
The mission of the Southern Baptist Convention is to fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).

The Cooperative Program unified plan of giving has proven to be an excellent way of funding our missions and ministry on a state, national and international level for nearly 100 years.

Our International Mission Board and North American Mission Board receive a combined 73 percent of the SBC allotment, demonstrating our commitment to reach people with the Good News of Jesus Christ at home and abroad.

Our six SBC seminaries receive a combined 22 percent of the SBC allotment, supporting the importance of theological education and training for our ministers.

I remember when I started at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1976. My tuition was a mere $100 per semester. This low cost was due to the financial support our seminaries receive through the Cooperative Program.

Our Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions receives half of the Cooperative Program money given in our state to support its vital, multifaceted ministry to our Alabama churches.

I would encourage all of our churches to give generously and consistently through the Cooperative Program so we can fulfill our Lord’s command to make disciples.

Charlie Howell, executive director of missions, Madison Baptist Association

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