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State board of Missions

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A New Year, A New Thing, A New You

It is a fact, we all like new things. A new car, new phone, jewelry, a new fishing rod &…

The Importance of Giving, Katherine Hepburn

Katharine Hepburn, in her own words: “Once, when I was a teenager, my father and I were standing in line…

Spanish speaking community of Alabaster blessed by Westwood en Español

Several years ago, Kenneth Bruce had a burden. He was coaching his kids’ soccer teams, and he was struck by…

Following the Masses Doesn’t End Well

In Dissecting the Serpent, my friend, now deceased, Rick Shoemaker shared a story from his third-grade math class. The teacher…

Huntsville pastor preparing to head home after kidney transplant

Will Faulkenberry said he’s had a lot to be thankful for in recent days. On Nov. 9, Faulkenberry — pastor…

What About Giving Warriors?

In his book The Treasure Principle, author Randy Alcorn pointed out something so obvious that I wondered why I had…

One Program
The Cooperative Program

The Cooperative Program (CP) is Southern Baptists’ unified plan of giving through which cooperating Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of the missions and ministries of both the Alabama Baptist State Convention (SBOM) and the Southern Baptist Convention.


January 23, 2025
