Pastor of Huntsville church plant awaits kidney donor

Will Faulkenberry, pastor of Mosaic City Church, Huntsville, stands with his wife, Missy, and daughters Alexis and Ava.

When Will Faulkenberry planted Mosaic City Church in Huntsville, he did not know he would soon be in kidney failure.

Despite his physical challenges, Will has never wavered in his calling to serve as pastor. He and his wife, Melissa (Missy), have begun sharing their story to encourage others to follow God’s call on their lives in the face of adversity. 

“God can use our pain and suffering to bring glory to Himself and to point others toward a relationship with Him,” he said.  “When we come to the end of ourselves, that is the perfect canvas to display God’s power.”

“God can make a way where there looks to be no way,” added Missy. “He’s been faithful in the past, and we can be certain that He will be faithful in the future.”

Will received his first kidney transplant as a child. His most vivid memory of the experience was waking up from surgery at the University of Alabama Hospital and seeing his father, who had just given him a kidney, recovering from surgery as well. For many years, Will experienced good overall health and has served in full-time ministry for more than two decades. He and Missy have two teenage daughters. 

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