
Your Evangelism Office wants to make you aware of My Hope 2014 with Billy Graham. Last year our state led the nation in the My Hope project. With the many improvements that have been made to the strategy, this year promises an even greater harvest!

In 2013, Billy Graham’s message “The Cross” debuted the week of his 95th birthday, and to date we know of more than 112,000 who made a commitment to Jesus Christ last year. My Hope 2014 builds on the success of My Hope America with Billy Graham, the largest evangelistic outreach across North America in the history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA).

Much like last year the BGEA is partnering with local churches through the Evangelism Office to offer an exciting effort to present the Gospel across the United States and Canada.

On November 7, a new video will be made available free of charge for churches and individuals to use to reach friends and neighbors with the Gospel. The new program, featuring never-before-seen footage from Dr. Graham, will focus on the topic of heaven and will include a clear presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Here are the steps we encourage the local church to take:

PRAY: Evangelism must begin and end with prayer. Organize a group to pray for a burden and strategy for your community. Begin to pray specifically that people will be saved.

PLAN: Set a date to show the new evangelistic program, “Heaven,” which will be released on November 7, in honor of Billy Graham’s birthday. Think creatively about how to show it and reach as many people as possible—at a church-wide outreach, on youth retreats, in small groups, or in homes with friends.

PREPARE: Encourage your church to ask God for renewed love for people who need the hope of Jesus Christ. Write down the names of those you will commit to pray for daily, and challenge your congregation to do the same. Humbly submit to God and ask the Holy Spirit to revive the church.

WATCH: Show the program and encourage your congregation to bring friends, neighbors or loved ones. After the film, invite guests to put their faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.

DISCIPLE: Use BGEA resources or your own materials to help new believers grow in faith. Involve others in your congregation in personal discipleship of those who made decisions.

PRAY: Praise God for answering prayer and for the salvation of those who received Christ. Continue to pray for those who have not yet been saved and for additional opportunities to share the Gospel in your community.

Other evangelistic video programs were released last year and are available on DVD or online for use. Those programs are called “The Cross,” “Defining Moments” and “Lose to Gain.” Each features powerful faith stories from individuals, interspersed with messages from Billy Graham. There are also resources available in multiple languages, including a Spanish-language video program.

For more information about this year’s effort contact your Evangelism Office at 1-800-264-1225 ext. 258 or email Amy Nelson at anelson@alsbom.org. We would love to share with you how this FREE tool can be used in your church.

BE AGGRESSIVE, BE INTENTIONAL, BE BOLD, and remember…It is only “GOOD NEWS” if they hear it in time.

Sammy Gilbreath is the director of the Evangelism Office. He may be contacted directly at 334-613-2320, toll free at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 320, or via email at sgilbreath@alsbom.org.

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