
Acts 9:25 tells us, “But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall” (NIV). Saul was in trouble in Damascus, for there were Jews who didn’t like the message he was preaching. A plot to silence Saul was in the works and his followers came to his rescue by holding a rope to lower Him over the wall to flee those that would do him harm.

Over the centuries of doing the Great Commission, a call from God has gone out for Faithful Rope Holders to help advance the Kingdom work. The first mission society began October 2, 1792. The society met in the home of Andrew Fuller in January 1793, and as they talked about the spiritual needs in India Fuller said, “There is a gold mine in India, but it seems as deep as the center of the earth. Who will venture to explore it?” “I will venture to go down,” said Carey, “but remember that you must hold the ropes.” (Worldwide Missions, Missionary Quotes, compiled by Stephen Ross)

Our Alabama missionaries need more Called of God Rope Holders to pray for them 24/7! The Global Missions Office and Alabama WMU are looking for Prayer Warriors to pray for all of our Alabama IMB and NAMB missionaries. Will you be a Rope Holder?

Please visit www.alabamawmu.org/BFC  to learn more about how you can hold the rope for our Alabama missionaries.

Reggie Quimby
State Missionary

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