5 First Steps in Assimilating Newcomers
It is well known and well documented that the church in North America is in decline. However, we see and hear of pockets of well-sustained growth and healthy discipleship in […]
12 Concepts to Bring Enrichment to Life & Leadership
One concept every leader, every servant, every person should be continually asking of ourselves is, “How do I improve my effectiveness? What can I do to enrich my helpfulness?” Let […]
An Indy Celebration
“There’s a lot to celebrate,” said our new SBC president, Clint Pressley, during his press conference following his election. Clint was underscoring the good news which came out of our […]
For What are You Searching?
Perhaps you have heard the story of the woman searching under a streetlight for a quarter she dropped. A stranger comes along and asks if all is okay. She explains […]
Your Answer May Be on the Other Side of The Boat
One night following Jesus’ resurrection, after He had appeared to His disciples at least twice, Peter and some of the other Disciples were together. The gospel of John, chapter 21 […]
Praying for a Church Planter or Pastor
Over the last several years, I have especially had the privilege of praying for church planters on a regular basis. Church planting is a spiritual engagement in darkness – to […]
Building Alignment in Your Life and Leadership
Have you ever known a leader who was maddeningly insecure – about everything? They live among us. These are people in management or leadership positions who are wobbly and always […]
5 Truths for Investing in Men
Few things bear more fruit and have a greater impact on a local church than systematically and consistently investing in men. By J. Josh Smith I am a fourth-generation pastor […]
Stay Centered, Stay in Your God-given Lane
What thoughts do you dwell on when you see others overcoming obstacles that you just can’t seem to overcome? Why do other organizations like yours seem to be flourishing and […]
How to Dress For Church
Occasionally I receive comments or questions regarding the way I dress for church. When preaching, I almost always wear a jacket and tie, or maybe a suit (depending on the […]