The Daily Dozen

12 Habits That Should Mark Every Believer’s Praying and Living Where these Daily Dozen are practiced, that life is seeking to please the Father, following Jesus as Lord. Jesus said […]

Engage 24

By now, I hope that you’ve heard about ENGAGE24: a national effort from the Baptist Collegiate Network. It has been endorsed by SBC president Ronnie Floyd who, along with many […]

Crossing North America

CROSSing North America is the theme for the 2014 Associational Missions Emphasis. (The suggested date among Alabama Baptists for Associational Missions Week is May 19-26.) You can access all the materials […]

A Call to Hold the Rope!

Acts 9:25 tells us, “But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall” (NIV). Saul was in trouble in Damascus, […]

Don’t Become a Wimp

Long before the word “wimp” was a computer term or a descriptor for a music streaming service, it was used to describe a cowardly person who was prone to avoid […]

The Next Phase of Praying Across Alabama

I am happy to announce that the next step in the Praying Across Alabama emphasis starts on Monday, July 8. During the 60 days of prayer, nearly 2100 people signed […]

What am I doing here?

What a year!  As I look back at 2012, I realize how many opportunities Alabama Baptists have had to share the love of Christ around the world.  I am reminded, […]