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Joys & Positive Aspects of Bivocational Ministry

1.    The financial base for church ministry, as well as the pastor’s personal financial base, is usually stronger. Churches with bivocational pastors usually find that their financial base is stronger […]

Challenges of Bivocational Ministry

1.  Self-Image  Many bivocational ministers, especially pastors, often suffer from a low self-image of their ministry.  Considering the historic role and current importance that bivocational ministry has in God’s Kingdom, […]


This is the first in a series of reviews of books that can be helpful toward Church Revitalization: Relaunch, by Dr. Mark Rutland (Colorado Springs, Colo: David C. Cook, 2013) 206 Pages. […]

Becoming a Better Believer

Some people are completely obsessed with self improvement. Millions of dollars, countless hours, tons of energy and unbelievable effort are spent on trying to make one’s self better. We are […]

The Next Phase of Praying Across Alabama

I am happy to announce that the next step in the Praying Across Alabama emphasis starts on Monday, July 8. During the 60 days of prayer, nearly 2100 people signed […]

Called To Communicate Conference

The 2012 Called to Communicate conference, sponsored by the State Board of Missions (SBOM), focuses on helping pastors take their preaching, speaking and teaching to the next level of effectiveness.  […]