Is Your Cell Phone Devaluing Those You Lead?

While interviewing a potential employee for his company, a businessman ‘s phone began ringing. After the third ring, the interviewee asked, Aren’t you going to answer that?” The business glanced […]
Church Weekday Education Leadership Training

The State Board of Missions will host church weekday education (CWE) leadership training on May 3-4 at Shocco Springs Conference Center. The event, sponsored by the Office of LeaderCare & […]
Cost concerns: churches, pastors face questions about pay, insurance and benefits

As Mike Jackson travels around the state meeting with churches in transition, he says one question comes up more and more frequently than any others. “What I’m seeing is a […]
A Call to Church Revitalization

Last fall, I received a call from State Missionary Mike Jackson asking if I would consider returning to the State Board of Missions to work in the area of church […]
Helping churches and ministers with tax questions

Tax season is here: a time when churches must prepare forms such as W-2s for employees and should provide givers with written acknowledgments of tax-deductible tithes and offerings. In addition, […]
Financial Q&A for the Bivocational Pastor

The number one financial question among bivocational pastors is “Can all my income be in housing allowance?” Answer: “Yes, if that is appropriate for your situation.” The average bivocational pastor […]
Most Important Tax News in a Generation

Many church members believe that the pastor is self-employed. Many churches treat the pastor as self-employed concerning compensation and taxes. But the truth is that the minister serving a church […]
Church leaders urged to be wise managers of Lord’s money, educated on tax laws

It’s the Lord’s money and church leaders need to use it wisely, said Lee Wright, coordinator of church compensation services for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions. Wright speaks […]
Important IRS News for Churches

There are 2 pieces of information important to church staff and church treasurers as we begin the new year. See, then click on the news tab. IRS mileage rate for […]
It’s Time to Freeze Your Credit

You have heard the news reports about the Equifax data breach. You should assume that your personal information is in the hands of criminals. You have also heard the instructions […]