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Tyler & Ashley Martin:
Circuit Riders

Bar Nunn, Wyoming

Nothingness. When most people drive any direction out of Bar Nunn, Wyoming, that’s what they see. “There are no stores, no houses,” says Tyler Martin. “If you have half a tank, you better fill up because there’s not a gas station for a while.”

Yet when Tyler and Ashley Martin moved to Bar Nunn as church planting missionaries, they saw something in all that nothing. “In Wyoming, there are 203 places-mostly small towns-you can have as a mailing address. More than 60 of those don’t have a church of any kind. And God told us, ‘Those people need the gospel too.”‘ That something became Outfitter Church.

“If you told people five years ago what I’d be like today, they would’ve laughed in your face.”

Trent Fetherston

Now, Tyler is training men in Outfitter Church to go to all those small, out-of-the-way places. “Wyoming is so spread out, and we have so few resources that church planters have to come from our congregation,” he says. “So, we’re creating circuit preaching teams that will plant churches all over the state.”

Where others see nothing, Tyler, Ashley, and the congregation of Outfitter Church continue to see something. “Towns that have never had a church-ever in their history,” Tyler says, “now we’re going to get the gospel to them.”

Prayer Requests
  • God to raise up more men at Outfitter Church to take the gospel to more unchurched communities.
  • The endurance and perseverance required to start and grow church plants in remote, hard-to-get-to places.
  • Other churches in Wyoming to recognize and respond to the gospel needs around them.

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