
Lincoln, Nebraska

When Rony met a North American missionary who spoke his language in Sterling, Virginia, everything changed. “He pointed me to the Bible,” he says, “and that was the beginning of my Christian journey.”

When Elizabeth wandered into a new church that’d just started in her community, everything changed. “I found the one my soul loves,” she says, “and it’s Jesus.”

When Maki started hanging out with neighbors who’d moved to Las Vegas to make Jesus known, everything changed. “I decided I wanted to be saved,” he says, “and now I’ve totally turned around from where I used to be.”

Right now, almost 3,000 Southern Baptist North American missionaries are starting new churches and meeting countless physical needs, all with the goal of making Jesus known to every man and every woman, everywhere.

That is a gloriously unrealistic yet completely attainable goal. Because we’re promised that when we pray, gloriously unrealistic things will happen. What kind of things?

Rony, Elizabeth and Maki know the answer. When we pray, everything changes, and Jesus is made known.

Prayer Requests
  • North American missionaries to reach more like Rony, Elizabeth and Maki who need the hope and love of Christ.
  • North American missionaries to have the resources to plant new, vibrant churches.
  • God to call and equip more missionaries to make Jesus known in North America.