Church Building

Challenge to Build

Through Challenge to Build (CTB), your ministry partners at the State Board of Missions can develop a customized capital campaign to enable your church to grow and realize its dreams! We assist in multiplying your congregation’s resources at a fraction of the cost of many national firms. Our approach is consistent with Biblical teachings on stewardship and in keeping with our Baptist traditions. Members are not asked to give equal gifts, but to make equal sacrifices.

Now there is help for the smaller congregation—those who average less than 125 in attendance for Bible study.

Through Bridge to Tomorrow, the smallest church has the ability to follow step-by step instructions in capital fund raising. This self-led program is on a CD-rom available for a moderate cost by contacting Lori Lockett direct at 334.613.2234, toll free at (800) 264-1225 ext. 2304, or via email at [email protected].

A short-term capital funds program, Forward in Faith should be used only if the church’s financial need is less than one-third of its annual budget. Collected in a one-day offering, this method can be useful to churches seeking to purchase property, perform emergency church repairs, replace equipment or begin debt retirement plans.

Church leaders begin this fund raiser four to six weeks prior to the offering date by setting a capital fund goal and developing materials that will be posted throughout the church and mailed to members, including brochures, banners, offering envelopes and commitment cards. Letters are mailed to members, testimonies and sermons on giving are shared with the congregation and there will be Sunday School lessons on sacrifice.

On Forward in Faith Day after specific prayer time and a sermon on the joy of sacrifice, the offering is received. At the close of morning worship, a report is given on the amount received and committed to the church. Later, follow-up and acknowledgment letters are sent to members.

For Forward in Faith information, contact Lori Lockett direct at 334.613.2234, toll free at 1 (800) 264-1225 ext. 2304 or via email at [email protected].

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