Praying Scripture – like that?

“I have heard people talk about that for years, but no one ever showed me how.” The first time I heard this was from a retired widow in her seventies. […]

How Rote is Your Prayer Life?

Sitting in a church worship service as a guest, I was not surprised at the prayers being lifted up. In all honesty, the same prayers were being lifted in churches […]

Is Knowledge Enough?

Recently I received a preliminary copy of a press release about me coming to work with a particular organization. In it was recorded, “We welcome Dr. George Yates…” I see […]

3 Organizational Benefits of Properly Utilizing Teams

“We’ve seen phenomenal growth; great spiritual growth, individual growth of team members…and how that spiritual growth spilled over to the church…” Jeff Perkins, Pastor, Mansfield Baptist Church, GA. Perhaps today, […]

Building Effective Team Structure

Not only in sports, teams have become commonplace in the business world, private sector and in the spiritual community. While the team concept has been around for ages, it has […]

Three Principles of every Gift Received

The world offers many shiny, glittering, eye-catching “gifts” that look so good and enticing. Too often, when we accept what the world offers and tear away the pretty wrappings, our […]

How is Your Training Follow-up?

I looked for years attempting to discover a job where you went in, had your orientation training, went to work, and never had any further training. Not looking for myself, […]

Focused and Stable for 2022

Pastor Shawn returned from a training conference convinced he had found what the church he pastored  needed to pull out of the ten year slump they were experiencing. He called […]