Fruitful Change requires Culture Change

Letter board with "Never be afraid of change"

Pastor Ron cannot understand what is happening. He prayed about this need for the congregation. He spoke about it with three key leaders of the church and the church’s worship […]

Moving From Caretaker to Risk-taker Leadership

Volunteers handing out meal donations to the needy at a food drive

Borrowing terms from a friend of his, Gary McIntosh once wrote of three kinds of leaders in the church today; risk-takers, car-takers, and undertakers.[1] While we can all understand reasons […]

Where to Foster Relationships? 

Friends having fun outdoors

School is back in session. Summer holidays and vacations are behind us, fall is fast approaching. With this season each year, there is also a season of change in our […]

Recapturing the Passion of Your Purpose

Top view of a compass and sticky note written with "Purpose" on yellow background

God created you with a purpose in mind. Then He gave you a passion to pursue that passion, to learn and develop the skills to excel at your passion and […]

Identifying Potential Leaders

Green leader with crowd of wooden men.

Leaders are made, not born. While it is true that not everyone is a natural leader, everyone can lead in some capacity. In fact everyone does lead in some capacity, […]

Yet Another Crossroad

Closeup shot of a person holding a compass with a blurred background

Robert found himself at yet another crossroad on his journey. With four options in front of him, which would lead to where he needed to go? A decision must be […]

Filling the Empty Hole in Your Heart

Heart shape Jigsaw puzzle

We all have what we might consider empty parts of our lives. These leave holes in our heart. I have friends and family who have lost children in the womb […]

From Representation to Participation

Group of multicultural young friends hanging out on a patio

Jesus recast the gospel to meet the understanding of the people/culture in front of Him. To Nicodemus, He said, “a man must be born again.” To the rich young ruler […]

Becoming a Letter from Christ

Pencil on a handwritten letter

“You are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on […]