Who Is Thanking God This Week for You?

There have been many men and women in my life that have mentored, inspired, encouraged, and guided me on the right track, and I am grateful to God for each […]

How’s Your Church’s Roadmap?

I can’t say that I’ve ever met anyone who would leave on vacation without some planning. Do you know of anyone who would load the car, jump in and take […]

Newcomers to Your Church

Looking for a church home in their new community Bill and Jane turned into the parking lot of First Community church. Bill noticed immediately the worn shingles on the roof. […]

Experiencing Learning Together 

One weekend evening recently, I received a voice message on my cell phone. It was a good friend, Kevin, whom I have written about before. In His message Kevin slowly […]

All the Meat and No Potatoes

One of the misguided barometers in the church today is, “We are giving them good doses of God’s word each week. Why they’re not learning, is their own fault.” The […]

Are You the First or Second Traveler?

Folk lore shares, An old wise man would sit outside his village under a shade tree every day thinking and sharing with anyone who might stop by to talk with […]

Should a Church Set Goals?

If asked “What is the primary goal of your church.” what would be your response? The overwhelming majority in any church cannot answer this one question. Some would offer a […]

There Are No Problems

Don was a member of one church where I served on staff. He truly had a servant’s heart. Don had retired from a local factory and spent much of his […]