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Preparing for Retirement – Huntsville

Madison Baptist Association 2318 Whitesburg Drive South, Huntsville, AL, United States

Primarily for those ministers and employees in their 50s and 60s to begin to consider topics such as retirement income, Social Security income and Medicare basics. Spouses are welcome to […]


Shocco Springs Baptist Conference Center 1314 Shocco Springs Road, Talladega, AL, United States

Engaging breakout conference on a variety of current topics Missionary testimonies from North American and International Missionaries Outstanding leadership training opportunities for new or seasoned WMU, Women’s Ministry and Royal […]

Called Conference

Samford University 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, AL, United States

The call to ministry can seem like the most complex decision to wade through. We want to help. The Called Conference is a one-day event designed to help young men […]

Church Financial Issues Check-Up – Mobile

Mobile Baptist Association 616 Azalea Road, Mobile, AL, United States

The Financial Issues Check-Up will focus on new tax and retirement legislation affecting the church: policies about designated giving and other financial policies needed, and how a church could get […]

Preparing for Retirement – Mobile

Mobile Baptist Association 616 Azalea Road, Mobile, AL, United States

Primarily for those ministers and employees in their 50s and 60s to begin to consider topics such as retirement income, Social Security income and Medicare basics. Spouses are welcome to […]

Church Financial Issues Check-Up – Dothan

Southeast Alabama Baptist Association 1308 Ross Clark Circle, Dothan, AL, United States

The Financial Issues Check-Up will focus on new tax and retirement legislation affecting the church: policies about designated giving and other financial policies needed, and how a church could get […]

Preparing for Retirement – Dothan

Southeast Alabama Baptist Association 1308 Ross Clark Circle, Dothan, AL, United States

Primarily for those ministers and employees in their 50s and 60s to begin to consider topics such as retirement income, Social Security income and Medicare basics. Spouses are welcome to […]

One Day Training

State Board of Missions - Prattville 1404 Fairview Ave., Prattville, AL, United States

One Day is a great option for those who are unable to attend Connect. Taught by Alabama WMU staff and trained volunteers, One Day covers the latest resources and emphases […]

Read The Alabama Baptist Sunday

Read The Alabama Baptist Day is set aside to remind Alabama Baptists of the important work produced by the 180-year-old partner publication, The Alabama Baptist, and its full range of […]

Royal Ambassador Week

Time to reflect, recognize, and emphasize Royal Ambassadors in your church & to involve boys in missions. To encourage RAs to live one's faith daily, have personal experience in witness […]

LifeWay Group Essentials Conference

The Group Essentials Conference is a FREE* two-day event that equips participants to revitalize their Bible study ministries by learning: • principles for growing healthy Bible study groups • best […]