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Senior Adult Sunday

This Sunday is a time to recognize senior adults in the local church. This provides an opportunity to express appreciation to senior adults for their service to God and recognize […]

AI in Ministry: The What, Why, and How of Artificial Intelligence

Taylor Road Baptist Church 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, AL, United States

Don Barger, Director of Innovation and Artificial Intelligence at the International Mission Board, will lead a conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help you understand what it is and its […]

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other ministry wives and join their […]

Great Commission Conversations


Experience an up close and personal time with Alabama missionaries serving Internationally and within North America. These Zoom gatherings last 30 minutes and are a great way to learn more […]

Small Church Tax Conference

State Board of Missions - Prattville 1404 Fairview Ave., Prattville, AL, United States

Do you need a W2 if the pastor is the only employee? Do you have to complete the 941? Can the minister take 100% of his income as housing? How […]

Crossover Dallas

Dallas, TX Dallas, TX, United States

June 6-7 will be a weekend of Kingdom impact as you and your church serve the hurting communities in Dallas. There are multiple ways to get involved.   By partnering […]