
New Orleans, Louisiana

When Rony came to America, his worldly possessions fit inside one tiny carry-on. “I left everything,” he said, “in Venezuela.”

When Elizabeth had her third abortion, she felt like she’d hit rock bottom. “I felt so disgusting,” she said, “and so alone.”

When Maki made it big as a professional fighter, he let a lie become his mantra. “God will never love a person,” he said, “like me.”

Rony, Elizabeth and Maki are remarkable because they are common. In what is perhaps the most technologically advanced and seemingly gospel-saturated continent on earth, how is it that there are hundreds of millions of more people just like them? How is it that in communities all over North America, Jesus is not known?

Rony didn’t speak English. Elizabeth had no Christian friends. Maki wholeheartedly embraced the world’s view of who God is. Rony, Elizabeth and Maki are North America’s modern-day everyman and everywoman.

And because they are among us, North American missionaries are called to go to them and make Jesus known.

Prayer Requests
  • God to call out more laborers who will make Jesus known everywhere in North America.
  • Churches to develop a passion for missions in the hearts of their people to pray, give and go.
  • Every believer in North America to see their neighborhood as a mission field.