Overhead shot of a person collecting offerings

What About Giving Warriors?

In his book The Treasure Principle, author Randy Alcorn pointed out something so obvious that I wondered why I had not considered the truth before now. “You have heard about prayer warriors: What about ‘giving warriors’?” Thankfully, I have known and benefitted from having prayer warriors in my life. You know them too. They have enriched your life as well. These are the people who pray for you when they say they will and even when those words are not said. They are people who have made a huge difference in your life and in mine.

Back to the question offered by Randy Alcorn: “What about giving warriors?” They are difference makers too. They are the people who have set the example in giving sacrificially to the cause of Christ. I have known some giving warriors as well. They came on the scene when the need was the greatest and the concern was the highest. They were not looking for praise or recognition. The satisfaction of being blessed by our Lord and the opportunity to give was the only motivation.

This Christmas season, I am praying for some more giving warriors to come of age in our churches across Alabama and the Southern Baptist Convention. The Kingdom of God will be impacted positively when people decide that God owns everything and that we are stewards of all He has entrusted to us.

I am praying that our churches reach their projected budgets, not for bragging rights but for Kingdom advance. I am praying that churches will see the need to be a part of Great Commission ministries beyond the local church in giving through the Cooperative Program, our missional mutual fund. I am also praying that Alabama Baptists and Southern Baptists will give like never before to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. May this be a turnaround year in seeing our Lord do miraculous things in our lives as we become giving warriors.

I can envision a new army of giving warriors forming on the horizon of my imagination. This army works together, prays together and gives together, all for the glory of God. Can this happen? Absolutely, it can become a reality when we give ourselves first to the Lord and then to the mission He has given us! Prayer warriors are needed but so are giving warriors. Are you ready to enlist?

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