Principal Functions: The Pastor is responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church. The pastor will lead the congregation, the organizations, and the church staff to perform their tasks. The pastor is the leader of pastoral ministries in the church. As such, he works with the deacons, church staff, teams, and congregation to (a) lead the church in the achievement of its mission, (b) proclaim the gospel to believers and unbelievers, and (c) care for the church’s members and other persons in the community.
Primary Responsibilities:
1. Pastoral Care. Leads in pastoral care for members and visitors, including visiting hospitals, visiting members and prospects, conducting weddings and funerals, performing counseling sessions, and leading the church in prayer ministry.
2. Preaching. Preaches and teaches the Bible by preparing biblical messages that inspire, equip, and disciple believers and that lead unbelievers to follow Christ; the senior pastor serves as worship leader.
3. Administration. Manages the day-to-day work of the full-time and part-time church staff by conducting staff meetings, implementing personnel policy, evaluating the work, and by guiding the staff to equip the members to carry out the work of the church, including worship, evangelism, discipleship, ministry, and fellowship.
4. Vision. Challenges members to join in the Great Commission in order to grow the congregation by creating programs and practices that help the church reach unbelievers.
Additional Responsibilities:
5. Deacons. Trains and equips the deacons to be servants of the church and to work with the pastor and staff in performing the pastoral ministries of the church.
6. Teams. Serves as ex-officio member of all teams of the church; serves as moderator at church business meetings.
7. Substitute Preachers. Contacts a supply for the pulpit whenever he is away from the church. The church will supply the honorarium for substitute preachers. If the pastor is unable to contact a substitute, the Personnel Team will be responsible for finding a substitute.
8. Other responsibilities as needed.
Education Requirements:
Bachelor’s degree required; masters-level seminary degree preferred; doctoral degree from an accredited seminary preferred.
Experience Requirements:
Ordained and licensed to the ministry preferred; Full-time church pastoral experience preferred.
Skills Requirements:
The pastor must be a wise counselor and encourager; a Bible scholar and teacher; a visionary of church growth, mission, and evangelism; a prayer warrior; an outstanding public speaker; a model of holiness; a visitor of the sick and homebound; a believer in the Southern Baptist way; a manager of people, budgets, and programs; an officiant of weddings and funerals.
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