We are looking for someone who has been called to lead in worship in a part time roll.
The Minister of music is to be responsible before God and the Church body to provide spiritual leadership in the form of corporate worship, including planning and coordinating, with a passion for the Gospel at the center of worship and ministry.
Must share vision, mission statement, and core values of The Branch at Mission Hills.
Must have a passion for genuine worship, an attention to detail, and an understanding of the role as a worship leader.
Must be a trained musician with ability to lead worship team (band, vocalists) including arranging music and writing charts/parts for the band as needed.
Must possess strong organizational and people skills.
Must be gifted in leadership skills, including discipling worship team.
Previous experience in planning and organizing corporate worship.
Bachelor's degree/seminary degree preferred.
Work with Senior Pastor, church leaders, musicians, and others to plan and prepare an order of worship for Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening services, which will include weekly practices with the praise team/band.
Ensure that in all matters, worship at The Branch at Mission hills reflects a heart for the lost and encourages the saved to express their love for God through their worship.
Facilitate corporate worship through excellent music directed at promoting congregational singing and participation.
Work with special groups, such as Easter drama, to prepare special music for worship.
Assist in recruiting musicians and singers as needed.
Serve on Church council as a leader.
Ensure that worship is Biblically based and supported by scripture.
Lead and direct the Church in keeping with The Branch at Mission Hills' constitution and By-Laws and Southern Baptist Convention's The Baptist Faith and Message (2000).