Ministry Intern

Gilliam Springs Baptist Church

Internship Ministry of Gilliam Springs Baptist Church

Purpose for the Internship Ministry:

The internship ministry of Gilliam Springs Baptist Church is to equip, train, develop, and confirm men/women who feel the unique call of God into vocational ministry.

Broad Goals of the Internship Ministry:

● Produce ministers of the Gospel to reach the world with integrity, passion, and truth.
● To reduce the growing pains often associated with early ministry positions.
● To enhance pre-existing ministries with a fresh perspective and a more diverse,
able ministry team.
● Enables Gilliam Springs Baptist Church to best attain the defined “win” of:
“making disciples that Worship God, Grow in Christ, and Follow Him”. Standards of Intern Selection:
● Interns must complete a detailed application, an interview with our ministry team, and have a background check. The intern should expect to discuss in detail their testimony of salvation, call into ministry, doctrine/theology, and goals of the internship.
● Students will be accepted through an application/interview process. The Ministry team holds the authority to select any applicant without explanation to the other applicants.
● All applying interns must be a high school graduate and pursuing a higher education.
● There are various options for term length. From a one-year term with an option of a second year to summer terms (both the Ministry team and intern must agree to the conditions).
● Interns must commit to a minimum of 15 hours of office time per week (more is encouraged when possible). The required time can be divided out amongst worship service days, and any of the working days of the supervising minister as is best for the intern upon that minister’s approval.
● There will be a progress report evaluation with the supervising minister. In the meeting, the intern’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas of improvement will be discussed and documented.
● All interns will be required to complete an exit interview with the ministry team.

Objectives of the Internship Ministry:

● Interns will be on a “Schedule of Responsibility.” As the intern’s experience and credibility increase, so will their level of responsibility. Interns will be on similar schedules, but that schedule could vary according to the maturation of the intern.
● Interns will assist the ministry team with all ministries and activities. Also, each intern will head up, organize, and run one large event/program/ministry under the supervision of the minister of the given department.
● Interns will be required to teach on occasion during the term. Interns will play an active role in the determining Gilliam Springs Baptist Church ministry schedule and will be included in brainstorming sessions. Small group teaching responsibility could be included upon request of the supervising minister.
● Interns will be heavily involved with the supervising minister on all administrative tasks pertaining to their area of calling.

Overview of Responsibilities:

● Scheduling
● Organizing
● Cleaning
● Brainstorming
● Vision Casting
● Working with a team to complete tasks
● Leading small groups
● Teaching
● Planning big events
● Leading Volunteers
● Leading big events
● Any other duties as assigned by the supervising minister

For more information or to apply, please email Matt at [email protected].

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