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As a new state missionary, I am focused primarily on youth/student ministry as part of the Office of Collegiate & Student Ministries. I have served in youth ministry since 2003 in churches in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana. I am a graduate of Mississippi State University and am currently pursuing a master of arts in Christian education with specialization in youth education at New Orleans Seminary. I graduate in December! My wife, Chelsea, and I have two little boys: Tripp and Will. I enjoy sports and grilling.
I love youth ministry and have a heart for training and equipping youth ministers. As a young youth minister, I have benefited greatly from the investment of leaders in my life and ministry. Knowing I had someone to call who would provide insight and wisdom to me has been a tremendous blessing. I would count it one of my highest privileges to come alongside and assist youth ministers here in Alabama.
In a nutshell, I am praying that my ministry will be shaped by the following thoughts and desires:
• I care deeply about today’s youth ministry leaders.
• I want to partner with Alabama Baptist youth ministers and parents to reach students for Christ and help them grow into strong disciples.
• I yearn for today’s students to own their faith and to be able to share it with others.
• I am eager to walk alongside Alabama Baptist churches to develop and grow youth ministries that will ultimately proclaim the Gospel and bring honor and glory to God.
My predecessor was Keith Loomis, who served as a state missionary for 12 years before losing his battle with cancer but winning the war and claiming the ultimately victory. Keith was a giant in the world of youth ministry — and I know that his will be difficult shoes to fill — but I pray that his spirit will evident in my ministry. I covet your prayers as I begin my journey with you all.
Please let me know how I can connect with you and youth ministers in your area. Don’t hesitate to call on me at any time to see how I might be able to partner with you in your ministry to students.
State Missionary Scooter Kellum serves as an associate in the Office of Collegiate & Student Ministries. He may be contacted at 1-800-264-1225, ext. 280, or (334) 613-2280, skellum@alsbom.org.
Source: OneMissionStudents.org
Helping Alabama Baptists with youth/student ministry[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]