Discover Personal Revitalization Along the Ordinary Path

“And He must needs go through Samaria” is a striking statement that has often been used to speak of purpose and focus in Jesus’ life. It could be used as an example of Jesus’ extraordinary intentionality in the ordering of His steps. Certainly this explanation would be of value in instructing and encouraging believers to be deliberate in daily plans or actions.

Other scholars would argue that some people make too much of the statement. Jesus’ need to follow this route was for the sake of time constraints. It was simply the most efficient way to go from Judea to Galilee. It was the ordinary path. The only thing out of the ordinary was that a Jew would normally go the long way (out of the way) bypassing Samaria.

Without question the ordinary path led to an extraordinary encounter. The same is true for Christians today. Our ordinary path in life will give us opportunities to have extraordinary encounters as we become intentional, faithful witnesses for Christ.

Where does your ordinary path lead you on a daily basis? Do you go out of your way to avoid being a witness? Pray that God will open your eyes for opportunities to share Jesus as you go along your ordinary, soon to be extraordinary, path. Leave your home today with the intent to be a faithful witness.

Daniel Edmonds
State Missionary

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