Stretching beyond your Comfort Zone
As a boy growing up in a small cape cod style house, my three brothers and I slept upstairs in our home. Our upstairs consisted of two open-air rooms. My […]
Stalwart and Steadfast
In all areas of life and ministry, we confront adversarial situations. As I read about and study the great heroes of faith, successful organizations, and entrepreneurs, I see a common […]
Simplify Your Directives
“I know you love fishing and you’ve been fishing all your lives. I realize this is how you support your family. It is your family business. But I have something […]
Lead With Clarity
Pastor Will, speaking with one of his staff members stated, “Joseph, your team is falling behind every week. The other teams seem to be doing fine and keeping the pace. […]
Tell Me More
One consideration people everywhere in our culture today have in common is, People want to be heard. Unfortunately, there are two barriers in most organizations. One is, there is no […]
If Your Church doesn’t look like the Community…
This is a guest post. It is actually a 4 question survey that we ask all team members to complete about their experience through the Reaching the Summit process . […]
Accepting the Brutal Facts of Reality
Why are we afraid of reality? It is true in business, in the church, and even in our everyday conversations with friends and family, we obscure the reality of life. […]
Vulnerability in Leadership
Many years ago, I hired in, selling vacuum cleaners, in homes. Within four weeks our office management and the owner asked me to take on the role of the sales […]
Church Revitalization Book Review: Sticky Church, by Larry Osborne
The Evangelism Office of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions has a strategy that we use with churches to help them have a comprehensive approach to reaching people. The […]
Reaching the Summit: Avoiding and Reversing Decline in the Church
Encouraging, challenging, insightful and practical are words to describe the work George Yates has accomplished with his book Reaching the Summit. The subtitle of the book is “Avoiding and Reversing […]