Financial Q&A for the Bivocational Pastor

The number one financial question among bivocational pastors is “Can all my income be in housing allowance?” Answer: “Yes, if that is appropriate for your situation.” The average bivocational pastor […]

What should you pay your Bi-Vocational Pastor?

Many bi-vocational churches still operate under the old “lump sum” or “package approach.” “We will pay you $X.XX and you divide it any way you wish.” This can cause the […]

Why be Bivocational?

Since being bivocational is a challenging lifestyle in any vocation, why would any pastor be bivocational?  Here are few reasons: 1.  Intentionally Bivocational Frequently a pastor is led by God […]

Basic Facts About Bivocational Ministers

1.  Bivocational ministers are overworked and under paid. It’s not hard to agree that all bivocational ministers are overworked.  Anyone in any profession who has two “full-time” jobs will be […]

Joys & Positive Aspects of Bivocational Ministry

1.    The financial base for church ministry, as well as the pastor’s personal financial base, is usually stronger. Churches with bivocational pastors usually find that their financial base is stronger […]

Challenges of Bivocational Ministry

1.  Self-Image  Many bivocational ministers, especially pastors, often suffer from a low self-image of their ministry.  Considering the historic role and current importance that bivocational ministry has in God’s Kingdom, […]