Gillette or Jesus…who defines your manhood?

MEASURING MASCULINITY THROUGH JESUS Gillette, a household name for men’s personal grooming products, has entered the masculinity debate by airing a commercial which unfortunately equates the word masculine with male […]

Helping Our Churches to be Safer Places

During recent days, newspaper articles from the Houston Chronicle have focused on reports about the mishandling of sexual abuse reports among some Southern Baptist congregations. Among the SBC family with more than […]

Summer on Mission will Change Your Life

“One summer on mission will forever change the trajectory of your life and the lives of those you serve.” If you spend some time talking to Lauren, that is a […]

Helping churches and ministers with tax questions

Tax season is here: a time when churches must prepare forms such as W-2s for employees and should provide givers with written acknowledgments of tax-deductible tithes and offerings. In addition, […]

Bible Drill helps increase Bible knowledge

With spring just around the corner, Bible Drill is in full force for hundreds of students across Alabama. A ministry undergirded by Alabama Baptists’ gifts through the Cooperative Program, Bible […]