The senior pastor is called of God to be the spiritual leader of the church as the
undershepherd of Jesus Christ, in proclaiming and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
the truths of Scripture; leading people to trust Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord;
helping Christians grow spiritually to be like Christ and live for Christ; ministering to the
needs of people in the church and community; providing visionary, Spirit-led leadership in
the life and ministry of the church; and serving as the lead administrator to the ministry
staff and church employees. The pastor is responsible to God and to the church for
faithfully carrying out this calling and ministry with prayer, conviction, faith, vision, and
A clear testimony of faith in Jesus Christ and a life that reflects Biblical principles.
Ordained and in good standing with the Southern Baptist Convention.
Master of Divinity (Doctorate in Theology and/or Ministry preferred).
15-20 years previous pastoral experience, preferably in a Southern Baptist context.
Strong biblical knowledge, communication skills, and a passion for shepherding God’s
A heart for God, His Word, and His people.
Compassionate, approachable, committed to prayer.
A servant leader who works well with teams and inspires others.
Culturally aware and able to minister effectively in the local community.
Visionary leader who seeks God’s guidance in decision-making.
a. Set a role model and example of personal discipleship, Christian behavior and
living, stewardship, spiritual growth, and ministry service.
b. Devoted to personal Bible study and prayer for their own spiritual maturity.
c. Committed to prayerfully seek the Holy Spirit’s direction for preaching and
teaching, and diligently study, prepare, and deliver sermons and teaching
experiences that faithfully proclaim, explain, and apply God’s Word.
d. Prepare and deliver biblically-based sermons during Sunday worship services.
e.Teach and lead Bible studies, discipleship programs, and spiritual development
f. Give oversight to preparing and conducting meaningful worship experiences.
g. Lead in the observance of the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and baptism.
h. Supervise and advise the church ministry staff and ministry volunteers in their
work in and through the church.
i. Serve as the leader, overseer and vision-setter for the total ministry of the church
in leading them to fulfill the functions of a New Testament church: evangelism,
discipleship, ministry to needs, worship, and fellowship/encouragement.
j. Lead in identifying and addressing the ministry needs of the church family and
community with the purpose of leading people to faith in Christ and greater
spiritual commitment and growth in Christ.
k. Seek to disciple and equip church members and leaders to grow spiritually,
identify and develop their spiritual-giftedness, and engage in areas of ministry and
service in the church and community as led by the Holy Spirit.
l. Be able to relate to and minister to people of different generational, ethnic, and
socioeconomic backgrounds.
m. Ensure that all teachings align with the Bible and the principles of the Southern
Baptist faith.
a. Visit members of the church family to minister to their needs, with special focus
on those who are in need of spiritual counsel or guidance, ill, homebound, in
nursing homes, or in hospitals.
b. Engage in outreach and visitation to people who have been guests at the church,
and to those in the community that are not Christians, are not participating in a
church, or not living in a vital relationship with Christ.
c. Conduct premarital, vocational, family, death/grief, and relational counseling
sessions as needed, advising other professional help for people when needed.
d. Conduct weddings, funerals, baptisms, and other ceremonial services as needed.
e. Provide counseling, encouragement, and spiritual guidance to members of the
f. Visit the sick, elderly, and those in need within the church and the broader
a. Oversee administrative functions, such as managing budgets, supervising staff,
and ensuring compliance with church policies.
b. Serve as chairman and/or active member of the church Leadership Team/Church
Council in planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating the overall ministry of
the church.
c. Work with the deacons or elders, church leaders, and committees/teams in
performing their tasks and responsibilities. Be available to provide or assist with
training and assistance for these groups as needed. Serve as ex-officio member of
committees/teams if instructed by the church bylaws.
d. Act as the moderator of the church if so required by the church bylaws.
e. Adhere to the constitution and bylaws, and policies and procedures manual, as
adopted by the church.
f. Work closely with church staff, deacons, and ministry leaders to develop and
implement the church’s vision and mission.
g. Provide mentorship, training, and encouragement to ministry teams and
h. Ensure effective communication with the church family and community about the
ministries, missions, events, situations, and activities of the church through
personal, digital, written, and social media formats.
a. Discern and communicate God’s vision for the church, inspiring members to work
toward shared goals.
b. Lead the church in reaching the community with the Gospel through outreach
initiatives and events.
c. Be willing to serve in community efforts and activities as a minister of Christ and
the church to advance the Gospel, when led by the Spirit.
d. Encourage and equip members to share their faith and engage in missions locally
and globally.
e. Equip, participate, and oversee in the overall evangelistic and mission efforts of
the church in effectively sharing the Gospel of Christ with others.
f. Develop ministry relationships with other churches and organizations when led by
the Spirit, and when consistent with the church’s doctrinal stance, values, and
ministry goals.
g. Foster relationships with other churches, Southern Baptist organizations, and
community partners.
h. Regularly evaluate the church’s ministries to ensure effectiveness and alignment
with biblical principles.
i. Lead the church in cooperating with the ministries and mission efforts of the local
Baptist association, the Alabama Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist
Convention, and keep the church informed of important information related to
these entities.
Those interested may email their resumes to
the CBC Pulpit Search Committee
at and add
PASTOR RESUME to your email subject.