Worship Leader

Mt. Gilead Baptist Church

POSITION OVERVIEW: Mount Gilead Baptist Church in Dothan, Alabama is seeking a musically and vocally proficient worship pastor. Interested candidates should have a deep desire for doctrinally sound and biblically centered worship. The role involves leading the congregation, worship team, band, adult and youth choirs, and overseeing the sound and technical teams. Candidates should be comfortable with a blended worship style, combining traditional and contemporary elements. A bachelor’s degree in music, worship studies, or a related field is preferred but not required.
JOB DETAILS: The mission of our multigenerational congregation is to be Captivated by God’s Glory, Connected to God’s Family, and Committed to God’s Mission. We view worship as an integral part of our corporate gathering.
Candidates should share our belief that worship is more than simply music and singing. Worship sets the spiritual tone for our hearts and minds to be taught from God’s word.
It is essential that candidates for the worship pastor position at MGBC have a heart committed to seeing the local church grow and flourish while seeking to make Jesus known in our community and in the world.
Humility and servant leadership should also be a defining characteristic of candidates for this position. There must be a willingness to steward the responsibility of discipleship, spiritual growth and maturity by teaching and modeling the meaning and value of true authentic worship.
Administrative competence is essential in this position. Technical skill as well as coordination of people, supplies and equipment is required to foster further growth of the ministry. Experience with service planning for corporate worship and special musical offerings is preferred.
MGBC currently has an active adult choir and is looking to grow a youth choir program. We also utilize a praise team and praise band in the corporate worship setting. Experience with leading choirs and praise team/band utilizing a blended worship style will be an important consideration for this candidate.
Finally, candidates for this position must be willing to assume dual role responsibilities as needed by the church.
Mount Gilead Baptist Church Interested parties should forward a resume to: 2864 S. Brannon Stand Rd MGBCworship@mgbcdothan.com Dothan, AL 36303

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