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Concourse Library Software

April 22, 2021

Webinar Transcript

- I just wanna welcome Allison and say thank you to her and to Suzanne Burton, they're both with Book Systems and it's a wonderful program, wonderful software. And I'm so glad that you've taken this opportunity to ask your own questions. If you're already on Concourse, it's a wonderful program. I do appreciate it and have loved it for many years, along with Atriuum too. So I'm going to turn it over now to Alison and let her handle that. I'm gonna be watching the questions and that sort of thing. And I will leave it to her. Thank you.

- Right. And I do appreciate Marty and Doug, and especially Suzanne. She was my right-hand lady. She's been there. I was thinking about it. I've been associated with Book Systems for 20 years. Since I was a school librarian and we just, in Hamilton County and Chattanooga and came on board with Concourse. So we've had a very long relationship. And Suzanne, for those of you that might not know her, she is the Senior Account Manager and she's been with Book Systems since 1994. I came on board about 2000, I think is when I came on. So I'm gonna go ahead and share my screen. Let's make sure I can do this. Share. Okay. So I hope everybody can see the Concourse website software. Today, I hope I'm gonna show you some new features and functions that you may not have known you could do in Concourse. And hopefully also remind you of things that you may have forgotten that you could do in Concourse. My big first thing I always like to mention is your Help. And hang on a minute, 'cause I need to move that bar. Okay. All right. Up at the top under Help, there are several things that will help you. You've got your Help Topics. All of these are PDF files that you can download and get information on how to use Concourse. You click on the Help Topics, you see a table of contents over here of all the things and the areas that you can get help with. I wanna point out at the very bottom, there is a, How do I and then FAQ. These are questions Book Systems has already come up with that you may want to know how to do. And you just click on it and it shows you specifically the information of how to do that particular function and same thing with the FAQs. There are different ones that you might wanna look through and go, "Yeah, I wondered how I could do that." Okay. I'm so sorry. But this bar keeps getting in my way. I can't. Sorry. I'm new with being a presenter. So you're just gonna have to bear.

- [Suzanne] I think you can move your thing down to the very bottom of the screen if necessary. That helps me, at least.

- [Allison] That's much better. Thank you very much. Okay. The main help that you need to know about is your F1 key. Say that you're wanting to print labels and you open this window and you're like, "Oh my goodness, what does all that mean? What does print labels? What does double spine? I don't understand all of that." On your computer at the very top those F keys, you hit F1 it automatically opens up your help to printing spine and pocket labels. And it goes through and shows you, tells you how to do it and what it all means. And also shows you over here on your table of contents where that particular information shows up. So F1 is your friend. Always, always remember F1. Anywhere you are in the program, whatever you're doing. If you're like, "I don't know what that means," F1. All right, I've set up this webinar hopefully in a logical sequence. We're gonna start with just a few defaults that we're going to set up ahead of time to make cataloging and checking in and out a little easier. Then we'll move into cataloging items and how to delete items that are a master copy which a lot of you have that question. Once you catalog things, we're gonna go into circulation and show you some things about the circulation screen that you may or may not know. After circulating, we're gonna look at a form letter and sending letters out, how you can create one. And then we'll end up with talking about reports. Just a little bird walk. My nickname was the Report Queen 'cause I made reports all the time. Any kind of a list that I was looking for, I saved it as report. Okay. So let's start with some defaults that we wanna get set up. You're gonna click on Admin and we're gonna go to Maintenance. And at the very bottom is Configuration Setup. Now it's going to say we're gonna be logged out of Concourse you just say yes, I know that. And then you come to all of these different functions and features that you can set as default. Once again, if you're looking at them and go, "Well, what does Auto Switch Patron mean?" I know you can't say it out loud but I hope you're saying to yourself, F1 And there it tells you. All I did was hit the F1 key on the keyboard. And here's the list of what all those different functions, what it means so that you can determine, do you wanna check it or not? So the two that I've chosen in circulation is this auto review on patron lookup. What this allows is when you go to the checkout screen and you put in a person's name, if this is not checked, you're gonna have to click on the word review in order to see, do they have other books checked out? Do they have any funds? Do they have any reserves? By putting a check here, it automatically will show you all of that information. The other thing is this default to patron name in checkout. Typically the cursor is the Patron ID field. And you either Tab over, or you have to click in the box to put the person's name. I don't know many people who look up people by their Patron ID number. It's usually the name that you're going by. So putting a check here, it puts the cursor already in the patron name field so that you don't have to Tab over. The other thing is under the Cataloging Parameters. There's a supply default purchase date. Out of all the the sessions I've done, no one has ever said, "I purchase it on Monday and I get it cataloged on that Monday." Typically, they sit there for a while. And when you're cataloging, you can choose this so that it will automatically put the day that your cataloging it. That's the date that most people go by. If you really, really do need the purchase date you can always go in and change it to be the purchase date. But by having this checked, that's just one less thing that you have to put in when you're cataloging. The next three are the uppercase call number, subject headings, and analytics. When you had catalog cards, the subject card all of the subject headings are in capital letters call numbers in capital letters. By putting a check here, it will automatically do that when you're cataloging. If you're pulling in things from eZcat, it will automatically put things in uppercase. If they're not checked, then you're gonna have to rely on the Cap swap key or the Shift key. So it's just easier to go ahead and set these defaults to begin with. And then you don't have to worry about that when you're cataloging. If you've changed any of that, you would commit your changes. And this is an administrative function that you need to have permission to do. So you're gonna have to log in and then you're gonna go back up and log back into Concourse. And those defaults are set. So now let's get into cataloging. You're ready to do some cataloging here. There are two ways to catalog, click on the Catalog button. There's the Add/Modify items and you can type in the title, age group, fill it all in manually, which takes a long time. The easiest way is to use eZcat. Now, eZcat is an add-on feature. It doesn't automatically come with Concourse. But it is well worth the money and it's not much to have eZcat. EZcat allows you to go out to multitudinous libraries and borrow their MARC records so that you don't have to type in all that information. Somebody else has already done it, so you're gonna borrow it. There are several different ways you can search. I'm gonna click on the little search spyglass is what I call it. And it opens the box that you can search by ISBN, author, title. Yours probably says subject headings.

- [Suzanne] Hey Allison, I can't actually see eZcat. I can only still see Concourse.

- [Allison] Just for this little bit, bear with me while I go back and forth between the two. So can you see eZcat now?

- [Suzanne] Yes.

- [Allison] Thank you, Suzanne. So let me go back because you didn't see what I did. The libraries I have here are just some that I've chosen to log into. The green sign means I'm connected. Library of Congress, I have already been disconnected. So all I have to do is right-click on the name and reconnect. I wanna click on the little spyglass and now it's going to open up my search window. I can search my ISBN or by the author and the title. I do not wanna do all three. You don't wanna get too specific. So I have just recently read "Life Interrupted". You can see this. It's a wonderful book. So we're going to look for it by author. And you are basically just the last name and then, the title. And then if you'll notice over here on the left, out of the libraries I've chosen all of them have this book in their library. So you want to not just take the first one. You wanna pick the best record. So I'm gonna click on the Library of Congress one. And I have it showing us a card view because it's easy to understand. The things that I look for are publisher, copyright date, summary, and subject headings, because I don't wanna have to type those in. This one has everything but a summary. So I'm gonna go down to the next library. This has a summary but there is no publisher or copyright date. So then I'm gonna go down to the next one. This has publisher, copyright date, summary, subject heading. I'm gonna check out this last one here. This is a really good summary. I think this is the one I'm gonna use. The one on the very bottom has a little cassette tape, so that's media. I don't want that one at all. So I'm gonna choose the OhioLink one. You can do this several ways. I can click on the little Capitol building and add it to Concourse or I can right-click and Add to Concourse. Now this is where I'm gonna have to stop sharing this screen and share my Concourse screen. But when you have Concourse, you don't have to do that. The information for this book has popped in, every bit of it is there. I click on the Analytics tab, there my subject headings in all capital letters, because that was my default. It's brought in all the information I need. I am not finished with it. And there are two things you can do. You can either go ahead and save this and continue cataloging other books, but you will want to come back and modify the record. Make sure everything is correct. I personally like to do it as I'm going through. So things you wanna look at are here on the core. Your age group needs to match the book. This is not a children's book. So I wanna make sure I get it into adult. Circulation is perfectly fine. That's just my regular circulation. It is a book. It is not undefined. You want to make sure that you put the books in one of the report classes and this book happens to go in the 200s. Notice the call number is missing. I looked on the back of the title page which is where you can usually find call numbers, and it's telling me the call number is 248.843. So I've put that in. It's automatically given me today's date because that was a default I set. The cost. You have to give it a cost. Even if the book was donated to your library, always give it a cost. It has to do with the value of your whole library. If something was to happen and you needed insurance to know what your library was worth. If you have a bunch of books without a cost, it's gonna affect that. This book is 1799. I personally put in even dollar amounts. So I'm gonna put 18 and then all of the other information should be okay. It's mainly the core that you need to make sure everything matches for that particular book. I always go and look at the card view just to make sure, does everything look right? And once I'm satisfied with it all, can I click on the blue disc? And boom. It's added into Concourse. A whole lot easier than typing it all myself. If you do not have eZcat you're welcome to contact Book Systems and get them to tell you about purchasing it. All right, I'm gonna go back to eZcat. So pardon me while I stop screen share. And I go back to my eZcat. Because sometimes you're cataloging a series of books, there's three or four, six or how many ever books in a series. And you're cataloging all of them. To save time, you can look it up by the series. So I'm gonna click on the search and this time I'm gonna put the author's name and down here, I have already changed it to series title. Yours probably says Subject Heading. all you have to do is click on it and change it to whatever you wanna change it to. So that's how you change it to series title, change type, and then you've got the series title. And I'm gonna just look up September 11 series. And what it's showing me is the different books that are in that series. Notice the Library of Congress only has two of them. "Every Now and Then" and then "Remember Tuesday". Central Baptist has that one but then they have "One Tuesday Morning". Champion Forest has Beyond, and Every, and One Tuesday. And then OhioLink has three of them. So again, you go through and kind of look and see which one has all the information you're looking for. Again, Library of Congress doesn't have and that one doesn't either. This one has everything. So this time you can click on the Capitol building and it's automatically put into Concourse. Go through six, seven--

- [Suzanne] Don't forget to reshare.

- [Allison] Well, 'cause then I'm gonna have to come back to this. So hopefully you can follow along with this. You would see it in Concourse, just like we did when I did the "Life Interrupted". And then you come back to your eZcat and your next ones are already there. You don't have to search again. You can just go and pick up the next one that's in this series, either right-click and go to Add to Concourse. And it's added in. What it's telling me is already have one there. So with a series, look it up by the series, the author's last name, the title of the series. And it makes it easier in order to do that. So hopefully that's, let me go back to Concourse. What it was telling me is I have downloaded the "Every now and then", but I hadn't done anything with it. So I can go ahead and save the changes or I'll just go ahead and save the changes. What this is telling me, this is another good thing. Karen Kingsbury is in my list but she doesn't have a period after her name. The one that the record is bringing in does have a period. This is a good way to clean up your database. So I won't, we're just gonna use this one and we're gonna accept this one. This subject heading is not there, that one's not there. A lot of the subject headings I didn't already have. But once you've accepted them, then they're in there for the next one. And I'm just gonna go ahead and save this. All though I thought I just did this. There we go. So you've had your books in your library for quite a while, and you've got some that you have multiple copies of. And the first one that you put in has disappeared. It's been damaged. Something's happened to it that you need to get rid of it. So you go to your Search and you're gonna, 'cause I've got to look for it. And I'm just gonna, let's just say the 1199 is the one that I need to get rid of. Well, normally you click on delete and you delete it but it says, I can't do that. It's a master record. How do I delete it? So what you're gonna do, you're gonna go to Reports. You're gonna go to Item Reports, and you're gonna go to Shelf List. And I want to filter because I want to find this particular book. So I'm gonna go to title, contains phrase, and put that title in. And there are my three copies. But again, I still don't know. Well, I know this is the main one but you click on the Edit button. Look what happens. The 1199 one, the title is in black. That is the master one. The other two are attached to the master copy. And you're going to have to unattach them in order to delete this one. So now that I know the bottom one is my master. I'm gonna click out of the edit mode because you can't do this in the edit mode. Everything is black again. My cursor, when I put it on the report and this is with any report that you pull up, you see the cursor is now Ctrl, that's your Control key. So I'm pushing the Control key. And now it says click. Anywhere on that top line I'm going to left-click and it pulls up the record. Get rid of the Copy of number, take it out, save, click back on the report. Right now you don't see any changes. I'm gonna go do the second one Control, click get rid of that Copy of number, save it, go back to the report. Now, when I go to edit, all three of them are black because they're not attached to each other. I wanna get out of the edit mode, go to this bottom one because that's the one I really do wanna delete. And now when I click on delete, I can delete it and it's gone. But you've got to unattach it from the others before you can actually delete the master copy. Just a little bird walk here. In Atriuum, you don't have to do that. Because of the way your cataloging is, you can delete the first, the second, the third one, it doesn't really matter because they're not attached to each other. All right. So we've talked about deleting. So now if you're gonna want to circulate some of these books that you've cataloged, we can go to the checkout window. And notice my cursor is in the Patron Name. That's because I set the default to be in the Patron Name. Now there's several ways you can look up a person somebody walks into your library and go, "I know that person. They are Alison." You can do comma space Allison 'cause you don't remember their last name. Press Enter. And I'm the only Allison in the database. So it just pulled up my name. If you have more than one Allison then you'll have to choose which Allison it is. This has just reminded me I have a book on reserve, let's say, Okay. And then I can see immediately everything about me and what I have checked out. That's because of that default that I chose in that configuration setup. Now, things I can do here. I noticed the book that is checked out doesn't have a cost. I want all my books to have a cost because if Allison comes in and wants to know how much it costs to replace it you can have a cost there. So again, this is the Ctrl. So I'm gonna hold that down, left-click, it pulls in the report and I'm gonna give it a cost. Now, obviously I don't have the book here in front of me because it's checked out. So I'm gonna pick a cost. And I'm gonna talk about this a little bit later, too. I'm just gonna, you know, to replace it it's probably gonna be $12. You can choose $15, $10, $20. You just pick a number. And then save it. Now it doesn't show you right now because the window is open. But once I close and go back to Allison. In fact I can do Maynard, Allison, and there's my reserve again. Now the price is there. So you can correct records right there from the checkout screen. There's a special due date. This person is going on vacation and it's gonna be gone for a month. And your books only have a checkout range of two weeks. You can put a special due date. I guess I have to give it, let's see if there's a 45. And then it pops up a little calendar. The big arrow you can say, okay we're gonna give them a little bit longer. And now the book is checked out with a longer due date. Be sure to uncheck it because the next person coming in you may not want it to do that. You can also, when your cursor is down here, you can right-click on a title and then you can edit the item, edit the patron. If there needs to be a message that you wanna put with it, you can look at that as well. So that's with our checking in. To check out, I'm gonna close that window and we're gonna check in some books. I've had three ladies come into the library to return their books. So I'm gonna, oops, that one was actually missed. Now we have it found. We've checked that one in and we've checked this one in although it's on reserved for someone. Now we've got them all three checked in. I have already changed this on mine and I'm yet to change it back. So I'm gonna show you how to change it back, which is going to, let me show you something else first before I change it back. These three people are in the library looking for a book and they're gonna be coming to check out another book. I'm gonna leave this open because Martha has come up first with her book. If I put my cursor on the line, and on the keyboard hold down Control and the letter D, it automatically opens the check out window with her name already there. And she can check out her book, go on her Merry way, go back to the check-in window. Because now Randy is coming up, highlight his name on the keyboard, Control and the letter D, pull his name in. He checks out his book and leaves. Donald comes up, Control + D, he checks out his book. He leaves. Now I can close this because all those three people are gone. The Control + D makes it easier to go back and forth between the check-in and the check-out. Now, if you notice, I have checked out too at the very beginning of the list. On yours, it is probably at the end of the list. And to use the Control + D you would have to scroll all the way over to the end of the list, find that person's name. Let me show you how to move it to the front. See how my arrow is now a down arrow. You're going to right click. And it says, if you're gonna modify, you're gonna close this up. And I'm gonna say, yes, that's okay. Here is the current list of what's on there. Notice how it's the checked out to the barcode the column number. In order to move columns around, you highlight, and then you're going to drag and now the checkout tool is gonna be between the title and the due date. So if it was at the very bottom, you're going to click and drag it up to the very top. Click Okay. And then it will show you it'll be the first field. If that's helpful to you. That's the way I always did it. 'Cause sometimes I didn't remember the person's name but I could remember he was the first one that came in. Let me close that. All right. So we've got books checked in and out to people. Are we doing okay? Have I lost people?

- [Marty] We're doing good, it looks fine.

- [Suzanne] Do you want me to answer this one? Or do you want me to type in the answer?

- Why don't you answer it out loud? Because there are other people that didn't know this one.

- [Suzanne] Okay. So the update Concourse option under the Help menu and so forth will take you out to our website. If your support is current, you will need to get a new activation code in order to be able to proceed with installing the update through our website. So just so that you know that, that's how you can actually do it. You can even go to our website and download an update and so forth from there if you want to do it that way as well. So either which way that you want to proceed with that. And I'll put the information and the answer or whatever here in a typed up answer. So that, that way y'all got that.

- Okay. 'Cause this will also kind of answer the second question about Concourse. They didn't see Concourse on the website as a program they could choose.

- [Suzanne] Okay. So we recently updated the website and because Atriuum is the product that we are carrying right now and doing lots and lots of updates on, they decided to basically put it to just basically brochures and marketing basis. So if somebody still needed one, I mean needed a Windows-based program, they can still purchase Concourse. But that is not at the forefront of what we're developing. Atriuum is that product.

- Right. And for those of you that have Concourse, and if you're seeing it, "Well, do I have the latest update?" Suzanne if you wanna type this one in, the latest one is There are no further updates from that. So if that's the one you have, you have the latest and greatest update.

- [Suzanne] And the way you know, of course, it's like she did, she clicked on Help and then clicked on About Concourse.

- Right. And it shows you what version you have. But yeah, those are good questions. Concourse is not being updated past this version. All of their focus is on Atriuum which I hope you all will join us next week. And you'll get to find out all about Atriuum. Okay, Marty, I'm gonna let you go ahead and look at those questions, and maybe Suzanne can kind of look at that. All right. The next thing I had down was patron notifications. You've got some people that haven't returned their books or you want to remind people to return their books. You can find under Patrons in the flow chart, Form Letters. Now there's a way to create your own but why reinvent the wheel? I'm gonna go to Edit. And these are form letters that Book Systems already created for you. You don't have to create them yourself. I like to do overdue notices that have the cost of the book in with it so that if the person's like, "Oh my gosh, I forgot I had that book. I'm gonna have to pay for it." They'll know how much it costs. I'm just going to click on it and then Open. And this is the form letter. These are our fields that are populated with that particular information. You have a little body of your letter. And then all of these are where it can list all the books that are overdue. And then the library staff. If you want to use this, my suggestion is you copy it and paste it in a new document instead of changing the original one. And I have already done that. And I'm gonna go to Allison's version of overdue with costs. And just like you copy and paste. You'll copy the letter, open up new, paste it in. And I've noticed I've shortened my overdues because the other one had like 29 and none of my patrons have 29 books checked out at the same time. And then I've changed the name at the bottom. So now I've got a letter ready to go to send to my people. I'm gonna click on print and I have options here. And again, if you're wondering what all those options mean I hope you know, F1, and you can go through and it tells you what all those different options are about and how you can build the filter. So I'm just gonna leave it here. It's gonna select any patron that matches one or more of the checked criteria. I want patrons that have items checked out. I'm gonna click on next. These are all the patrons that have items checked out. So you can go through and look and go, "No, wait a minute. Randy's already talked to me about his. I'm gonna remove him from the list. I don't need to send him a letter." And then you can do that with any of the other ones. When you click Next, now you have the option. You can email it to patrons if you have their email address, hang on. And if you have the SMTP server set up and have all this information. Sending it to the printer is I guess my preference with Concourse. You can put one on a page and when you finish, I don't have a printer hooked to this, but it would show you the letter. And show you, let's see, I've got my little circle here. Let's see what's happening with my circle. The letter will populate all of these fields with the correct information and then you can print them out and mail them to the people. There we go. Suzanne, you can see my screen again.

- [Suzanne] Yes.

- Okay. For some reason, my computer has an issue with those form letters, hopefully yours doesn't. And I apologize for that. That's one of those things. So we've got about 15 minutes and reports which I told you earlier I'm the Report Queen. I love reports. I'm gonna show you some that Book Systems already has for you that I hope you are aware of. I clicked on Reports and we're going to go to Administrative Reports and look at your holdings summary. This is a great report that shows you your whole collection at a glance. It gives you all of your report classes, how many you have, the total cost in that particular category. And it gives you your copyright date. This library happens to be from 1987. That's a pretty old library. Need to do some weeding and updating. But this holding summary gives you a whole snapshot all at one time. You can also see it by material type or circulation type or your age groups, or by your locations, and see how many books and what the average copyright date is for each of those. So hopefully you're aware of that report already. The other one is the collection age report and I'm not going to specify filter. I wanna see all of it. This is a report that has everything by copyright date starting with, I have 32 that don't have a copyright date in them. I probably need to find out what those are and I'll show you how. I also see that I have two books that with a copyright date of 1846, that's pretty old. They may still be in my library, they may not. But the way you see what those two books are is again, this is a report. My cursor is an arrow, but as soon as you put it on the report, it goes to that Ctrl. So somewhere on that bottom line we'll hold down the Control key. I'm gonna click and it's gonna show me what those two books are. Now, it doesn't have the call number. So if I really want to go find those and see if there really are on the shelf I've got to add a call number column. And the way you add columns to any reports it's the same for all reports. You're gonna go to this little icon, two columns with a little yellow asterisk, and I'm gonna add a column. And I'll say, I wanna add the call number to this report and I'm going to add the field. So now I know that they're in the biography section and I'd probably wanna go find these. Sometimes I'll go find the book, and the copyright date was not 1846, it was 1946. And whoever cataloged it just typed in the wrong numbers. That has happened. So this is something to kind of look through and just see. If I wanna see what these 32 that are unknown, Control and click. And now I have the 32 books that do not have a copyright date. Notice what's in the field that started off, I did the 19, but I didn't finish it. So it's not a complete date. So you can go find. And where this comes in handy is the age of your collection because these books will not affect, without a copyright date, they're not in your holding summary average copyright numbers. All right. The other one under administration is statistics. You can look at several things. Let's say circulation by item report class. And you can choose a date range. Now, obviously mine is a demo database. So I would have to go way way back to find any. The double arrows we'll go back years. Well, I'm gonna go back years and now I can see. For you, you wouldn't have to do that. Hopefully yours is much more current than that. But that's how you would look and see how many items have been checked out from each of your report classes. And there are several others under there. The item report classes, there's the accession list and the shelf list. And the difference is, I typically use the shelf list as my go-to shelf list. But the accession list, it's the accession list because it puts it in barcode order. It's in your item ID order. Notice that the columns. You've got an entry date, the barcode, the author, the title, and the cost. And I notice I've got some costs that are not the even dollar amount. I wanna fix that. I'm gonna click on the Edit mode. I can click on that column and I'm actually gonna just make it 12 because I doubt very seriously I can replace those books for $7. I'm just gonna make them all 12. When I go back to edit, it's gonna say, "Hey, wait a minute. You've made three changes." I go, "Yep, change them." And then they're changed. So accession list is in barcode order, your shelf list, which is the one I typically go with is in call number order. Notice the first two, those are the two series that I just added and I didn't fix them. They've put it at the beginning because they're not in the right section. They're not in the right call number. So in this one, you have your call number, your author's name, your title, and your barcode. I can always add columns. There's a report that I like to do that is called proofreading your shelf list. And I'm going to add, remember when you were cataloging, you have the age group that you have to make sure is correct. You have the material type, the report class. I wanna make sure I put a cost. When I add those fields, now this is gonna be able to help me proofread my shelf list. I want to move a column. I'm gonna show you how to do that because to have report class way over here and to make sure it matches the report class and the call number, I'm going to click on it to highlight it, I'm gonna hold the left Arrow key down and drag. And you'll see a red line and I'm gonna drag it all the way over so that it's next to the column number. Now I can easily scroll through and say, these are zeros. They should be in the zero report class. And again, if I need to fix anything, I can click on the Edit button and change the report class. So this is a report that's really, really good to have to help proofread your collection. Since I've created this, I want to save it. So when you save a report, you're gonna click on the blue disc and give it a name. This is shelf list proofreading. Always name it something that when you look at the title you'll know what it is. And then I'm gonna save that report. And that way I can keep coming back to it without recreating it over and over and over. Another one I want to show you using your shelf list is a report for your items without cost. It is important for your books to have a cost. And so there is a way that you can create a report that just shows the items without a cost. So I clicked on, let me go back to make sure you see all what I did. Click done there. I did the shelf list and this time I do want a filter because I just want the cost. So I'm gonna go here and I'm gonna choose cost equals zero. Because I wanna see which one I don't have a cost. You click Okay. And I have 2,671 books without a cost. Oh goodness. I need to fix that. The first thing I'm gonna do is add the cost column to my report. I know it's zero, but I need it in my report. And so now I can go in and change the cost. Again, you could go to the shelf, look up the book, look on the back of the book, find out how much it costs, come over and give it a cost. I personally to save on time, would pick a number. I think I picked the number 12 earlier and 12 is kind of gonna be my generic cost for a book. I'm gonna click on the Edit mode. There's nothing in the cost right now. So I'm gonna put my cursor and I'm gonna do 12. I don't have to do 12.00, I just did the 12 and hit Enter. I can do 12, enter, 12, enter, 12, enter. And I can go, just keep going right down my list. With 2,000 of them, I don't wanna do all of them at once. So I'm gonna do several and then get out of the edit mode. It says you've made 12 changes. Yep. I know that. Change them for me. And now those 12 are done. I want to save this report. I'm gonna go over here to save and give it a name, Items with no cost. That way I'll know what it is. And I've saved the report. Now, where do you find these saved reports? 'Cause I wanna come back eventually and clean all of this up. So I'm gonna close it and I'm gonna go down to my item reports and your saved catalog reports is where it's gonna show up. I have lots of them. So here's my items with no cost. Here is my one I saved earlier, shelf list. Here it is. Shelf list proofreading. The one that I created earlier is in my list as well. So now I've just opened the one that I want, items with no cost. I'm gonna click on load. There it is. And notice those first ones are gone. Click on the edit mode again and start back doing my 12. I'm just hitting the one, two, enter, one, two, enter, one, two, enter, one, two, enter, one, two, enter. Every now and then click on the Edit mode. Say yes, let those change. Then you can go back to the edit mode and pick up right where you left off. And eventually over time you can get all that cleaned up. One thing, if you will notice, when you're in the Edit mode the only things you can edit are the costs, the title, everything else is grayed out. If you see you've got something wrong in the call number, there is a way to fix that. When you're cataloging, When you're cataloging a book, your call number has several boxes. Call number line one, line two, line three, line four. So in the report, you can add the columns, call number line one, line two, line three. Typically I don't have anything past line three. Add the fields. And now look, the call number is in black over here because each piece is separate. When it's the whole call number, you can't correct it. But if you break it up into the different pieces then you can go in and fix your individual call numbers. That hits the end of my notes. I see we've got a couple of more questions. Okay. The first question has to do with the numbering. They accidentally brought in when they used eZcat, they brought in the number from another library and it has really messed up their numbers from that point on. Suzanne and I talked about this the other day. If you go under Admin and go under Admin again, there is an add edit item ID types and Suzanne make sure fell on her correctly. This is showing the next number that's available to me. You can change this. So if your numbers have really gotten out of whack go back in and you can change it here and then save your changes. And it will start with whatever number you have put here. I hope that makes sense and answers the questions. Is that pretty much for that one, Suzanne?

- [Suzanne] Yes. Okay. Go back to that admin for just a minute and go to the item ID. I was typing up a response to somebody on the Q and A's.

- That's okay.

- [Suzanne] So on the screen you can either correct it right there. You can also go down to the bottom box where it says machine local, next item ID and put the number that you want it to be in that field as well. If you have a network version of Concourse and you have two people that are cataloging you can use this bottom field right here to say this particular machine, this is the barcode range. So if you had already purchased dumb barcodes that already have the numbers on them and they have a sheet of labels then they can put their next available number right there, and then the other person using the other machine could do the same thing on their computer and put what their number is for sheets of barcodes that they have. If that makes sense.

- Okay, Marty, I see your hand raised.

- [Marty] I was just trying to get attention to those questions. I can unraise it, but I couldn't.

- Okay. 'Cause we're a few minutes over. Thank you. So Suzanne was answering one.

- [Marty] Ms. Benford has a question about wanting a copy of that proof report put together.

- If you will email me I have a handout that is called item reports to clean up database and proofreading is one of the ones. That report is on there. I also have a way to create a report to help you with weeding that uses the item usage. So you can look at the copyright date, how many times the book has checked in and checked out and when the book was entered. So if you entered the book 10 years ago, and it has a copyright date of 1970 and nobody's checked it out, that's probably one you just need to get out of your library. So there's a report to help with weeding your collection. And then so, if you would like that, just email me and I'll be glad to send that as an attachment. Any other, I think we're good. This has been fun. I'm so glad all of you were able to join and those of you that are going to watch it as a recording you can email me later as well with questions or anything that you've caught. Suzanne, anything else, Marty?

- [Marty] I think we're good on my end.

- [Suzanne] If you wanna point out a couple of shortcuts on the cataloging screen.

- Okay. So go to Catalog.

- [Suzanne] Yep. Go back to editing an item or the adding an item, either way. One of the things that you can do, let's just pull up your last site record that you had. So the 44979. And let's clear the fields. That's the little eraser with I mean the little pencil and all of that, and clear that. I want you to press the Tab key.

- Tab.

- [Suzanne] So now we're in the title field just typing in, "This is a test title," or something. It can be anything. And then press the Tab key and the Tab key and keep going down through the fields. That's one of the things that I tell people all the time. When you're in the dropdown list options there for adult, children, youth, or whatever, you can just type a Y for youth, a C for children and so forth. And that way you don't have to actually use your mouse because that's gonna save you a lot of time. Press the Tab key to the material type if it's another type, type of book. If it's an audio guide or whatever you can do an A, if it's a DVD, you can do a D, and so forth. And then Tab to the circulation type. If you wanna click on the dropdown list, just so that they can see some of the options that are in there, especially in that report class one, 'cause that one's a lot longer. So it's gonna show you all of those. So if you need to, if you want it, if it's a 100 if it's a 0100, if it's a 900, then you can just type a zero, a one, as well as you can do F for fiction and so forth. Now press the Tab key to the Author field. All right. Now, a keyboard shortcut that we have if you had to manually catalog an item. One thing I always told people in the past is that if you're cataloging items by the same author, you can do Control + R and what this does is it recalls from the last saved record. And that is an awesome feature or whatever of the program that I just absolutely love. This call number field, and so forth if we do Control + R, it's gonna recall the call number from that last save record.

- Which we didn't have on that one.

- [Suzanne] We didn't have one. Okay. So in this particular case, we would have to put one and put one in or whatever, and then navigate to the second field in the call number. And now, so put something in that first field. Anything I don't care. We're just doing a play record anyway. Now do Control + R.

- Wait a minute. Sorry. Control.

- [Suzanne] Okay. So this recalls the first three letters of the author's last name. And you notice it's an all uppercase because Allison did make that change on the configuration settings and so forth screen that we were on originally. And then you can press tab again and the Control + R will work. I mean, it's kind of like doing a copy and paste from the last saved record. So if this date needs to be 2005 then we can back up by doing Shift + Tab and that will take us back to that field. If you press the End key on your keyboard, that will get you to the last position and then you can take off and change, the date and so forth in this particular field. And then you can press Tab and Tab until you get into place vocation and then do Control + R. So any fields that were exactly the same you can do Control + R, Control + R, Control + R. Let's get down to the purchase date field, and the entry date field. 'Cause I wanna point out some keyboard shortcuts that are helpful to me. So put your cursor in that Purchase date field. Okay. So if we were putting in the first day of this week, okay, well, let's just talk about it like this. We can press the T key or the space bar to put in today's date into this field. And it already has today's date because of that selection that she made. If we want to put the first day of the week, we can do a W if it's the last day of the week, we can do a K. So any word that is associated with date or date ranges like week, month, or year, you can use the first letter of the word. So W for the first day of the week K for the last day of the week. And then if you do M for the first day of the month, H for the last day of the month. And then Y for the first day of the year and R for the last day of the year. So just take those literal words month, week, year, and you can use the first and last letters of those words in order to put in those dates quickly and easily. And then of course, T key is for today or the Space bar is also for today. So that's just some little keyboard shortcuts that I like to use. Go ahead. Allison, fill out that call number right quick. Just put in an extra digit at least. And we'll go ahead and save this one. I know it's a bogus record or whatever. Now, if you will just Tab to the next field and put in something that is another type of test title, it doesn't matter. We're not going to necessarily save this one. And navigate down to the call number field. Say no. And then on the call number, you can do like Control + R here. And this will recall from the last saved record and then you can do Control + R there. And then that pulls the first three letters of the title because we did not have a main author in this particular record. And then you can also do or you can do Shift + Tab. And now do Control + N. That pulls the first three letters of the author's last name because we're wanting it to be exactly like the last record. So Control + N will go all the way on out to the last six fields. So if you did Control + N I think it's gonna pull that.

- [Allison] Nope.

- Nope, it didn't. Okay. Nevermind. And if you had multiple fields like 248--

- Previously.

- [Suzanne] Yes, exactly. And you had a volume or a copy or something like that then it could keep copying those things. And that's what that Control + N would actually do. Another thing I did wanna point out, when you're on that, go back to the circulation screen for just a minute. So just minimize. That's the cool thing about Concourse is that you can have a cataloging screen open, you can have the circulation screen open, you can have a report open, and still navigate and move around in the program.

- Well, and I didn't even touch on the shortcuts. I loved using the shortcuts.

- [Suzanne] The shortcut keys are probably the for me besides the reporting and all of that.

- And I have a handout on that. So if you want to find out about shortcuts because my F5 shortcut is for the books. And I don't know if you noticed when I was doing the cataloging, I clicked on Shelf List out beside it, it had an F12, that's because F12 is automatically going to a shelf list.

- [Suzanne] What she's referring to is, if you go to the Menu option up at the top.

- Hang on.

- You can just say no to save changes 'cause that was just a temporary record. Anything that already has a shortcut associated with it, you'll notice here on the Edit menu Control + C, Control + V, Shift + Delete, that kind of thing. Those are ones that are already set up in the program. If they don't have a shortcut associated with them you will see nothing beside them. But you can also go in and do those shortcuts by doing Edit and Shortcuts.

- And I have a handout on this. So if you really wanna know how to do this just email me and I'll send it to you.

- [Suzanne] So what this macro thing is, it's every menu. So the menu says activities, and then go on down to where it says Circulation, Allison. Actually, let's do cataloging and then--

- I have one. You can actually see that my F5 is cataloging.

- [Suzanne] And all we had to do to set that up was click Create Shortcut. Now you can have multiple shortcuts associated with a particular function. And the person that is logged in will be the one that that's their assigned shortcut. It's not for every user that's within the program. But if you scroll on down to where it says, there's one that's called edit, save, record or whatever. So it's down. Yep. We're getting there, save record. So my favorite one in the those todays and so forth the F10 key was your safe key. So I love using edit, save, record and saying, create a shortcut and then use my function key of F10. And that way I don't have to click the blue disc with the red arrow pointing in on the cataloging screen or on the patron entry screen in order to save a record. I can just press that F10 key and that just cuts it out right quick. And Atriuum also has these same types of shortcuts. So just so that y'all know that that's an option that transfers over. And let's see. So we talked about shortcuts. That's the one of my favorite things.

- We're already 15 minutes over. We don't wanna hold people too long today. I hope it was well worth your time. And again, if you still have other questions, you're welcome to email me or Suzanne. And we will get back with you quickly with those answers.

- [Marty] Thank you all for presenting today. We appreciate both of you being here. And we look forward to next week when we'll be on Atriuum. I love and I need all those shortcuts. So I'm gonna have to work on that. So I love y'all and we will see you next week. Thank you all for attending.

- Thank you.