Susan, in her mind, is in a dead-end job. Working in the office of a small distribution company, there is no opportunity to move up. Though, that has never been part of Susan’s life plan. She’s been doing the same job for twelve years, sitting at the same desk, looking at the same paper forms hour after hour, day after day, year after year. The thrill of work has long since departed. Susan experiences no challenges at work, nothing new, including her view of a plain gray wall.
There are many people who serve in the same job for many years without feeling like those of Susan. Regardless of the time on the job, any person who does not feel like a success, not treated like a success, or not being offered opportunities for success (big or small), is headed for exposure to failure.
People need successes in their lives. We all do. Challenges bring successes. New opportunities bring successes. Encouragement is one of the biggest (and cheapest) avenues a leader can travel to bring success to others.
“Nothing intimidates us more than constant exposure to failure. Nothing motivates us more than constant exposure to success.” John Maxwell, The Winning Attitude. When an employee/volunteer is motivated toward success, he/she will be a greater and effective producer for the organization. Each success is a motivator in the direction of more successes.
Leaders need to be intentional about encouraging success in others. Unfortunately, many leaders only push the non-motivator buttons of their charges (employees/volunteers). Each person has his/her specific motivators. Using the same organizational motivators over and over only shows that you, the leader, are only interested in the organization, not the people running the grassroots of your organization. This is true in the business world and it is just as true – maybe more so – in the church.
A church is a volunteer-driven organization. Regardless of how much we think it shouldn’t be, the fact is people get involved where they can see themselves as being part of a success. Not organizational success, but some type of personal gratification from serving. People will serve out of their passion. Gratification comes from serving others in a role one passionate about. Help people find their passion and help them find a place to serve using that passion and you have enabled one of the greatest motivators possible.
George Yates is the Church Health Strategist for the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions, assisting churches and individuals in pursuing God’s purpose for life. Learn more at
Motivating for Success?