- Emphasize that Vacation Bible School is a Spiritual Event and encourage prayer.
- Observe National Day of Prayer for VBS on May 15, 2016 and pray that people are saved.
Plan Thoroughly:
- Start early by setting the date for VBS involving the pastor and staff.
- Publicize the date and time and purchases curriculum and supplies.
- Be intentionally evangelistic in planning for a good ending; plan to see people saved.
Budget According to the Importance of the Event:
- If Vacation Bible School is the largest evangelistic event planned by a church, funds should be provided.
- Involve leadership in establishing how budget is used.
Enlist Properly and Provide Training for Leaders:
- Every church member should have an opportunity to be involved.
- Enlist leaders face to face with expectancy. VBS is the best week of the year.
- The pastor should have opportunity to encourage VBS leaders and challenge them.
- Plan for follow-up of un-churched children as you enlist leaders.
Promote the event Early and Often:
- Use every media outlet possible, many offer free advertising.
- Involve the children of the church in the spring before school is out. Allow them to help plan decorations so they may tell their friends about plans for VBS.
Follow-up with contact to un-churched and celebrate the result of VBS:
- Ask leaders to be diligent in taking information: name, address, phone, etc.
- Contact families during the week of VBS, teacher visits are great first steps.
- Be sure that FAITH, NET, EE teams visit prospects immediately after VBS.
- Celebrate the results of VBS in the Worship Service after VBS concludes.
- Recognize those who taught, prayed, or contributed to VBS.