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By vocation, training and personality, I am an engineer.
One defining characteristic of an engineer is the efficient use of resources to meet goals. I hold a strong conviction that this mindset is intimately tied to stewardship of God’s blessings.
This being so, it seems obvious to me that the best use of trained individuals is in the area of their talents/expertise. Whether we are considering our missionaries in the field or those behind desks and pulpits, I want them to be at the focal point of their respective ministries, not beating the bushes trying to raise funds!
I want them to be utilizing all of their energies, intellects, talents and time to achieve our mutual goals of advancing the Kingdom. First responders should expect and receive the proper tools with which to carry out their life-saving/protecting duties. Surely, soldiers of the cross deserve nothing less!
Additionally, there is the truism that the total is greater than the sum of its parts. My meager offerings would mean little in the vast expanse of the lost but, as a part of the CP whole, the collective whole can be efficiently used to maximize the impact for Christ. Thus many small offerings, brought together and blessed by our Lord, can be thunderous in the impact.
I am grateful for the Cooperative Program and believe it is fundamental to our faith.
B.G. Bailey of Heflin is a trustee of the Alabama Baptist State Board of Missions from Cleburne Association.