
Who Is Your Pitcher Pouring Into?

“Hey Kentucky!” A voice called out from behind. Being from Kentucky, Willie spun around quickly to see who was calling out. His eyes locked on Randolph, one of Willie’s former pastors and mentors. Almost 25 years had passed since the two served together on church staff, Randolph the Senior pastor and Willie in his first full-time associate pastor role.

On this day though, it was Randolph who was attending to hear and to learn from the experience of Willie. The two embraced and shared the break together making plans to get together for supper that evening. For Willie it was a joy to be in the presence of his former leader and mentor. He soaked in all that he could from their conversations and time together, just like he had 25 years earlier.

For Randolph, who was nearing retirement at 70 years of age, this would be not only a learning experience, but also a heartwarming homecoming of sorts, a reunion with his friend and former colleague. Randolph drove away from that two day conference with more than a learning experience.  His former pupil and colleague, was now passing on life lessons to many others around the country.

There is no greater joy or success in life than to help others attain the fullness of what life has to offer them. Each time you do this you are depositing in God’s grand investing system. There is no superior satisfaction in life than helping someone else succeed, even if it allows them to surpass your achievements.

Investing in others our time, experience and love will bring a return on investment beyond anything the stock market could ever deliver. There is no amount of fishing, golfing, quilting, or any other hobby that can ever be compared to that of investing in another person’s growth toward his/her successful accomplishments. You cannot put a label, price or amount of happiness on it.

I sometimes refer to this as pouring into others. The more I pour into others, the more God seems to bless me. Blessings and joy always come on the other side of obedience. When I am obedient to God’s calling and pouring into someone else, blessings of joy and self-growth are always awarded to me. I am not where I could be, but praise God I am not where I once was. My desire is to continue, as long as God allows, to share with others, pouring into others what God has allowed me to learn and experience from life and the many mentors He has placed throughout my life.

Who are you pouring into for their success? When you look at others coming along behind you, do you see them as a threat or as an opportunity from God to pour into them from your life’s experiences? If you want true satisfaction, get your pitchers of experience and learning together and begin pouring into someone this week. The only question is who has God placed in your life this week for you to build up, to pour into?

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