Tuscaloosa disaster relief ministry continues to fulfill needs after 2011 tornadoes


April 27, 2011, was a turning point for many Alabamians. The storms that rolled through the state that day left behind death and destruction and lives were changed forever.

The day after the storms marked a turning point for Terri Hibbard. That’s when Donald Payne, her pastor at Forest Lake Baptist Church, Tuscaloosa, asked her to head up the church’s storm assistance effort, which became known as Wings of Grace Disaster Relief Center.

Hibbard, who grew up attending Forest Lake Baptist but moved away as a young adult, had only recently moved back to Tuscaloosa to care for her aging parents. And not long before the storms she was sidelined with a broken neck in a bicycle accident, rendering her physically unable to continue her job as a tennis player. Though she didn’t know it at the time God was paving the way for her eventual calling by putting her in a place and position of availability.

– Read more at: http://thealabamabaptist.org/print-edition-article-detail.php?id_art=33342&pricat_art=1#sthash.RdZ8fNq6.dpuf

Source: SBDR.org
Tuscaloosa disaster relief ministry continues to fulfill needs after 2011 tornadoes

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