Timely Reminder from Jeremiah 33:3


Video Transcript:

Hello again Alabama Baptists.

The stay-at-home and stay-in-place policy that we’re under doesn’t mean that we can’t stay in the Word and in prayer.

With that in mind, I’d like to use a very familiar text that I think is applicable to all of us at this time. Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things you do not know of.”

We’re having our second Zoom conference for a call to prayer, an online call to prayer. This time, we will be focusing on the word pray itself.

P, pardon us for our sins, especially the sin of pride.

R, renew us so that we can be a faithful servant of God.

A, admonish us so that we’ll have a heart of wisdom.

Y, yoke us together in sacrifice and service.

10 o’clock Wednesday morning, a Zoom online call to prayer. We’re inviting you to participate.

The post Timely Reminder from Jeremiah 33:3 appeared first on RickLance.com.


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