
Life is busy. College is stressful. I regularly remind students that a semester is planned stress. You can translate that “midterms and finals.”

Our BCM is approaching spring break and a SPOTS project to Cincinnati. I already know what will happen when we return — the collective gasp as students realize that the end of the semester and exams are only four weeks away. Where did the time go?

The call that Jesus put to potential disciples was “follow me.” It’s really simple. Later he added a little definition by telling them: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me” (Luke 9:23 ESV). Amid assignment deadlines, exams, projects and papers, the same call comes to university students: Follow Jesus.

The temptation is to postpone. They think, “I will spend more time with Jesus when the semester is over, and I have free time.” Really? There’s going to be stress and busyness of another kind when this version is over. The only place you can follow Jesus is where you are right now. And, as a wise older believer shared with me one time, “If you’re not serving Jesus now, it’s likely that you will never serve him. You will just keep postponing, waiting for the ‘right time.’” And that time may never come.

I have a secret to share with you. Life will always be busy. There will always be something for you to do. So, what are you waiting for? Will you follow Jesus even in your busyness? The right time is now.

State Missionary Gary Brittain serves as Baptist campus minister at Jacksonville State University.

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