
The State Board of Missions offices are now housed in our new Prattville location. Effective immediately, please send all State Board of Missions correspondence – including mission gifts – to the following address:

State Board of Missions
P.O. Box 681970
Prattville, AL 36068-1970

If sending financial gifts, use the green envelopes sent to treasurers back in November or use a regular envelope with the above address and note “Attn: Accounting Services.”

If you need green envelopes for mailing financial gifts, please email me at bdubois@alsbom.org or call me at 334-613-2219. Include your church name, address and association with the request. Please do not use your blue envelopes any longer.

Thank you for helping us make sure your mail reaches us at the State Board of Missions and for your Kingdom efforts through your church. Blessings to you!

Bobby DuBois
Associate Executive Director

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