Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other

Children’s Missions Day

Join thousands of kids across the country in hands-on ministry in your community for Children’s Missions Day! WMU invites all children in grades 1–6 to

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other

Student Missions Weekend

WorldSong Missions Place 1200 Worldsong Road, Pell City, AL, United States

This event is a great time for guys and girls in grades 7-12 and their leaders to bond while serving and learning about missions together.

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other

Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other