Spice Pond Baptist Church is a small church located in Eight Mile, Alabama, that is in need of candidates for the position of Pastor. The church currently has a part-time Pastor who recognizes the need to move forward with viable candidates for his replacement due to health reasons. The church predominantly uses the NKJV, but is open to instruction from other versions. The preferred candidate will be bi-vocational and available to perform a traditional worship service on Sunday mornings, Bible study on Wednesday evenings, and will be available to participate in various special events throughout the month. The candidate will be able to visit the sick and infirm in the hospital, nursing homes, or other places of care. The Pastor will provide a vision for the church, focusing on the sustainability of church membership, development of sustainable community-wide programs, and church growth. The Pastor will work closely with the Trustees, the Deacon Board, and the Minister of Music and will report directly to the Trustees. This is initially a part-time position but may expand to full-time in the future. Starting salary is negotiable, with opportunities for salary adjustments based upon performance and church growth. Resumes' should be submitted to: Spice Pond Baptist Church Pastor Search, 8100 Spice Pond Road, Eight Mile, AL, 36613, or submitted by email to spicepondchurch@outlook.com. All resumes' should include employment history, salary requirements, a letter of interest, and a photo of the candidate.