NextGen Pastor

First Baptist Church Florala

First Baptist Church of Florala is small town church right on the Alabama/Florida state line that averages 150-165 for Sunday morning worship. Sunday morning children’s worship averages 10-15. Our youth group has had as many as 35 in regular Wednesday night attendance within the last year. Our K-6 Wednesday attendance averages 25-30. We primarily serve two different high schools.

We are seeking someone who is….

Preferably a married man who meets qualifications of Pastor/Elder/Overseer as defined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9

Possess a clear ministerial calling

2 years’ experience or more is preferred

Bachelor’s Degree with willingness to pursue Seminary training

Affirm the Baptist Faith and Message 2000

Participate in and support church-wide vision

Oversee all ministry relating to Children and Youth from Birth through College

Must be willing to submit to a background and credit check

Reports to Sr. Pastor

o Specific Responsibilities

Maintain a presence in local schools
Recruit, disciple, and support committed volunteers to teach children’s classes, nursery, Sunday Children’s worship time, and college and career classes
Coordinate VBS along with the Children’s committee
Plan summer retreats/camps/etc. for children
Plan and implement future after school program
Be primary leader of the youth group (Grade 7-12)
Develop a budget for Youth, Children’s Ministry, and VBS
Develop and plan a variety of activities throughout the year that are accessible to all socioeconomic levels of the youth group
Include youth group in all interests of the church
Evangelistic outreach/visitation
Community missions’ projects
Short term missions’ trips
Church workdays
Raise up leaders from within the youth group for ministry
Build close relationships with parents and families of youth to provide discipleship
Posses or attain a CDL
Preach and teach as needed
Assist Sr. Pastor with visitation (hospital, follow up, shut ins)
Assist with funerals as needed
Attend monthly deacon/quarterly church council meetings
Attend weekly staff meeting

Submit your information below for this opportunity.

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