How Important Is the Feeling of Belonging at Church?

How down to earth and welcoming is your men’s group? Research shows that genuinely relational and friendly groups make it easier for people to experience a sense of “belonging.” People […]
Gen Z students encouraged, challenged in ministry pursuits
Generation Z has grown up very differently than other generations, but this age group recently learned how God’s calling hasn’t changed. Samford University in Birmingham hosted the Alabama Baptist State […]
5 Truths for Investing in Men

Few things bear more fruit and have a greater impact on a local church than systematically and consistently investing in men. By J. Josh Smith I am a fourth-generation pastor […]
Book of Letters simplifies faith lessons for new believers

A little book is making a big impact on the discipleship of new believers. “First Letters: Basic Truths for a New Believer” by Larry Hyche is a plainly written Christian primer […]
Clarity is Key for Discipling Men

Discipling men is a challenge! Be encouraged and challenged by the following talks hosted by Bobby Herrington of and pastors Anthony Walker and Chris Harper. (Reposted by permission of […]
Health of a Ministry Leader: An Interview with Teman Knight

“It’s dangerous to have the light that’s on you shine brighter than the light that’s in you.” I recently heard a pastor share this at a conference, and it’s now […]
Keys To Discipling Men

Research shows men’s discipleship lags behind women’s. The power of relationships can help make disciples of men in church. By Tobin Perry Dig deep into research about ministry to men […]
Why Discipleship Can’t Happen in Your Church Without Relationships

More and more Americans are concluding they don’t need church. One of the key reasons is that more and more churchgoers are concluding that they don’t need each other. Today, […]
Adventure Weekend invests in boys, celebrates generational discipleship

At the end of this year’s Adventure Weekend, Larry Hyche asked Joe Brothers to come on stage and close the event in prayer. And Brothers told him something that he […]
Pursuing Men

A minister once told me that he wanted the church he led to reach “Joe Sixpack.” “Who is Joe Sixpack?” I responded. I knew who he meant. I wanted to […]