5 Truths for Investing in Men

Three men sitting together on a couch praying with man on left placing hand on the back of man in the center

Few things bear more fruit and have a greater impact on a local church than systematically and consistently investing in men. By J. Josh Smith I am a fourth-generation pastor […]

Clarity is Key for Discipling Men

Colorful glitchy image of statue of man holding open book

Discipling men is a challenge! Be encouraged and challenged by the following talks hosted by Bobby Herrington of Discipleship.org and pastors Anthony Walker and Chris Harper. (Reposted by permission of […]

Keys To Discipling Men

Man sitting with an open bible discipling three other men

Research shows men’s discipleship lags behind women’s. The power of relationships can help make disciples of men in church. By Tobin Perry Dig deep into research about ministry to men […]

Pursuing Men

Two men look down a fairway while playing golf

A minister once told me that he wanted the church he led to reach “Joe Sixpack.” “Who is Joe Sixpack?” I responded. I knew who he meant. I wanted to […]