What Are Your Driving Gauges for Ministry?

Driving gauges on car dashboard panel

What are your driving gauges for ministry? Driving gauges are not what drives you in ministry. Rather, they are those practices and applications you have in place that you can […]

A New Year, A New Thing, A New You

Man standing on outdoor sport court plastic flooring behind yellow line with a yellow 2025 above it

It is a fact, we all like new things. A new car, new phone, jewelry, a new fishing rod & reel. We each could begin a list of new things […]

Following the Masses Doesn’t End Well

Eager student raising hand in classroom with teacher in the background.

In Dissecting the Serpent, my friend, now deceased, Rick Shoemaker shared a story from his third-grade math class. The teacher had privately instructed the three smartest students in the class […]

Leadership is Not a Title

Word Leadership written with white chalk on blackboard

Leadership is not about position. You do not need a title or a position to be a leader. Many leaders throughout history were men and women living in the ranks […]

Character Revealed

Hands hanging up a photo to dry in a dark room. Red hue across entire image.

On October 14, 1912, while campaigning for president under the short-lived Bull Moose party, an assassination attempt was made on Theodore Roosevelt as he got up to speak at a […]

It’s All About God!

Hands lifted in worship.

Our culture has for decades held an “It’s all about me” attitude. Get what you can and don’t worry about anyone else. Make sure you get what you want first. […]

Living for the Ripple Effect

Ripple circles on dark body of water

Drop a small stone in the water and what happens? That one small splash creates a ripple effect of concentric circles widening out from where the stone broke the water’s […]