Ministers’ Wives Connection


Ministry Wives from across the state gather once a month via Zoom for a time of encouragement and community as they hear from the other ministry wives and join their […]

Great Commission Conversations – Evening


Great Commission Conversations are monthly (Sept-May) Zoom gatherings featuring conversations and prayer with North American and International missions personnel. Participants hear stories from the field and have time to ask […]

January Bible Study

Year after year, churches across the country discover that a great way to start the new year is with LifeWay's annual January Bible Study. These short-term studies bring the entire […]

Church Tax Conference

State Board of Missions - Prattville 1404 Fairview Ave., Prattville, AL, United States

This conference will cover several special emphases including IRS forms and deadlines, what is taxable, special tax rules about ministers and housing allowance and contribution rules. The cost of the […]


Praying Alabama 2025: FBC Russellville

Praying Alabama 2025 is designed to be an opportunity for your community to gather over the needs of your community and ask God to make a difference in them.

Church Planting Emphasis Day

Church planting is important to Alabama Baptists and to the spreading of the Gospel throughout the state. Approximately thirty or more new churches are planted each year, and they consistently […]

Church Tax Conference

Birmingham Metro Baptist Association 1449 Medical Park Dr. S. Suite 300, Birmingham, AL, United States

This conference will cover several special emphases including IRS forms and deadlines, what is taxable, special tax rules about ministers and housing allowance and contribution rules. The cost of the […]


Praying Alabama 2025: FBC Rainsville

Praying Alabama 2025 is designed to be an opportunity for your community to gather over the needs of your community and ask God to make a difference in them. No […]

Student Missions Weekend

WorldSong Missions Place 1200 Worldsong Road, Pell City, AL, United States

This event is a great time for guys and girls in grades 7-12 and their leaders to bond while serving and learning about missions together. The weekend includes Bible Study, […]

Sanctity of Life Sunday

On this day churches are encouraged to focus on the sanctity of life. Emphasis given to a broad range of life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, health care, child […]