
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is greatly impacting our world.

Because of our concern for those whose lives have been impacted and will be impacted by this virus, we want to offer our prayer support and encouragement.

We fully believe that our God is still in control and He is sovereign in all things. As a result of our dependence upon Him, we offer this prayer suggestion in those unprecedented times.

Heavenly Father,

You are the God who created us and You, O Lord, sustain us each day of our lives. We are so dependent on Your provision for our being in these unprecedented times.

We ask for Your protection in this time of the unknown as we face the current medical crisis in our world. This Coronavirus (COVID-19) has created illness, anxiety, fear, uncertainty and even death in our world.

Would You, O Lord, give healing to those who are suffering from health challenges related to this virus? May Your hand of healing touch them in their time of illness. Would You decrease the effects of this disease upon those who have contracted the illness? May Your grace and mercy be given to all who are physically suffering.

Lord, we ask, as the God of all comfort, that You give peace to those families, friends, nations, and countries that are experiencing grief over the loss of life that has occurred as a result of this terrible disease.

Father, we ask You to grant wisdom to those who are doing research for a cure and possible vaccine to prevent the spread of this disease.

We petition You, O Lord, to give caregivers the ability to be instruments of Your love and comfort. Protect them as they provide for the needs of the sick, and grant them health as they stand with those who are ill.

For our leaders locally, nationally and globally, grant them insight and wisdom needed to do their best to mitigate the overall impact of this deadly disease.

Lord, protect our first responders, medical personnel, military and others who are on the front lines of dealing with this illness.

Father, would you grant to those who are involved in the service industries strength for long hours, patience as they work with the public, protection from the virus and provision financially in these difficult days?

For those who have been misplaced because of these circumstances, give them hope and peace. For our missionaries who serve in areas of extreme situations, show Your powerful presence.

Ultimately, we desire You to use even this crisis to glorify Yourself. Would You allow others to be drawn to You as their true source of hope, courage, and healing?

Lord, we have nowhere else to turn. Our eyes are on You. You and You alone have the answers to all the questions in this time of uncertainty. We acknowledge our weakness. We need You, Lord!

Thank You for hearing our prayer.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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