6-week Acts study helps students ‘Live Sent’


Madison Lawrence has thought a lot about her “Jerusalem” this summer.

Right now, it’s the University of Montevallo, where she’s in her last year of studies — the place where she heard the gospel for the first time.

Many on St. Vincent and the Grenadines — the island chain where Lawrence grew up — consider the southern Caribbean country to be a Christian nation, she said.

“Everyone kind of thinks they believe in God,” Lawrence noted. “That was me, but I didn’t know anything about the gospel. It wasn’t until I moved to America and got plugged into BCM [Baptist Collegiate Ministry] that I learned who God was.”

She was baptized in September 2020.

“When I moved to college in 2018, everything turned around,” Lawrence said…continued.

This article was originally published at thealabamabaptist.org.

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